Chapter 20 - I Am Doomed

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Chapter 20

--- Ohm ---

"Can you tell me what is going on? You have been pacing like this since 15 minutes now." Drake said.

I ignored him.

"Ohm... I am tired of seeing you like this. If you won't talk in next five seconds, I'll leave." Drake said.

I ran to sit beside him.

"I am doomed Drake." I said.

"What happened?" he asked concerned.




"God dammit. Spit it Ohm!" Drake yelled.

"I had an erection." I said closing my eyes.


"I had an erection." I stuttered.

"So? Isn't it normal?" Drake asked confused.

"I had it by just hugging someone." I said embarrassed.

"Huh? Who?"

"Nanon" I whispered.

"Who?" he asked.

"Nanon." I said.


"NANON!" I yelled.

"HUH???" he looked at me wide eyed.

"Shhhh... What are you yelling for? Keep quiet. We are at the office terrace."

"Ohm... You... I mean..." Drake was unable to form a sentence.

He is feeling this way just listening to it. So me being terrified is obvious.

"Say something." I pleaded him after waiting for him to say something for more than 20 seconds.

"Let's go out and talk." He said and pulled my hand.

"Wait. What do I do about him?"

"Shit! Who is he? And why have you tied him this way?" he asked looking at my idiotic assistant whose mouth and hands I had tied with his and my tie.

"It is all his fault!" I said irritated. "Actually wait. Don't untie him. Let's throw him down from here."

Drake ignored me and untied him hurriedly.

"Sir. Sorry Sir... But it's your fault too. You told me you were straight." Niran said as soon as Drake freed him.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

"But sir..."

"Both of you shut up." Drake snapped. "Let's go. We will talk somewhere else. I need to know everything."

He pulled me to the elevator leaving Niran behind on the terrace. And then once elevator reached the ground floor he pulled me into his car.

"Spit it." He said.

"That idiot assistant of mine told me to play a game, a game which backfired..."

"Game? Ohm I swear if you won't start talking now, I am going to punch you so bad." Drake banged his hand on the steering wheel in irritation.

'Will you care for me this way always?'

Since then I am hooked to him. The second time I hugged him, my body did not react as per my wish. I had a boner. I don't know what happened. But I was sure then that we can never be the same as we were before.

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