Chapter 24 - Confession

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Ohm, Nanon and Love were sitting together on a table in a famous Thai traditional restaurant.

Ohm and Nanon both were feeling awkward at this point. Whole day they did not talk to each other. Even when they got a chance, it was difficult for them to understand as to what to say.

"When did you come back?" Nanon asked Love finally breaking the awkward silence.

"I came back yesterday. And today morning when dad said he had some work to discuss with your fathers I decided to join him." She replied smiling.

"So... How have you been?" Ohm asked. Nanon looked up at him once before turning his attention to Love.

"Much better." Love replied smiling briefly. "So, how is everything going?" she asked looking at both of them.

"Ahem... Good. We have started working recently. So trying to get a grip on work." Ohm replied.

"Yeah... So far so good." Nanon added.

They both did not want this conversation to go in any other direction.

"I heard you both have been given a team each." Love tried to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah... We are better than how our dads started." Ohm said smiling.

"Yes, we heard they started with clerical jobs first." Nanon added.

"And you two are able to balance it with each other's teams?" Love asked.

"There has been no problem so far. We are working on different modules." Nanon explained.

"We are not competing. If his team picks up something, my team works on the other thing." Ohm explained further.

"Oh... Why so? What if one team picks up better projects?" Love asked.

At this point Ohm and Nanon were not able to understand why Love was asking such things.

But it made them realize that they have stopped competing with each other long back. Willingly they have been dividing the work between each other.

They looked at each other once and smiled.

Love saw them smiling and felt uneasy.

"You two seem to be getting along pretty well after these months..." she said.

Ohm and Nanon did not break eye contact and kept smiling at each other.

Love shifted a bit in her seat hesitantly before clearing her throat once.

"Ahem... What about things other than work..." Love said. She looked at both of them. "About your wedding..." she started to say but kept quiet when she saw their flustered faces.

It went silent for a while before Nanon spoke. "Uhmm... What... What about the wedding?"

Love turned to look at Ohm once before turning to Nanon. "When are you two nullifying it?" she blurted shutting her eyes tight. When she opened her eyes she saw both Ohm and Nanon looking down without saying a word.

"Look... I know how it is now. You both don't have to fake it in front of me anymore." She said and held Nanon's hand.

Both Ohm and Nanon looked at Love's hand that was holding on to Nanon's hand.


--- Ohm ---

It pains me to see this in front of my eyes. I know I liked her. But now I don't have any such feeling for her.

Yes, I am jealous. But that is because she is holding Nanon's hand. The hand that I want to hold.

At this point I am unable to decide if I should be angry or sad. I messed up everything and now I have no rights to be angry at Nanon.

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