Chapter 7 - A Drunken Mistake

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Ae, Ple, Manop, Yui, Aim and Chimon were all sitting on the sofa in front of Ohm and Nanon, who were sitting on chairs in two opposite directions of the room, not looking at each other.

Ohm had his head bandaged up by his mom after she opened the door for him to come out of his room.

Nanon had a severe pain in his shoulder because of Jimmy's attack on his head. More impact went on to the shoulder. So he was sitting holding his left shoulder.

But the injuries were not hurting as much as the circumstances. Both were silent and reading the legal document handed to them by their parents.

Aim was biting her nails in fear. While Chimon was eyeing everyone in the room unable to decide what to say.

Ae had given them the copy of the document signed by Ae and Manop before their kids were even born.

It had been more than half an hour since the two were reading the deal which was earlier read by everyone else present in the room.

"Boys... Say something." Manop said looking expectantly towards them both.

Ohm turned to look at his father. Anger very much visible on his face. While Nanon ignored it and kept glaring at the paper in hand.

"We know that we should have talked to you about this..." Ae said.

"But you didn't." Nanon said, still not looking up at his father. "Instead you talked to everybody else except for me." He said clenching his jaw.

Ae knew that Nanon never talked rudely with him. He has always had pretty good control over his emotions. But seeing his son being unable to control his facial expressions was hurting him.

"Today was the day when we had to take a stand, or else by midnight the properties would have been sealed." Manop said. "We had no intention to announce it to the world before you guys." he added.

"We tried to talk to you both about this individually but could not find the right place and time." Ae added.

Neither Ohm nor Nanon budged from their posture.

"Nanon, Ohm, we thought about this for 20 years..." Manop said.

"And still made a bad decision?" Ohm cut him off.

"Ohm! We were thinking of how to save your present, your future, our companies and our homes. Everything would have gone to trash, including the house you are living in." Yui said a bit annoyed at the way Ohm talked back to his dad.

Nanon sighed loudly and got up. "Do you know what is the weirdest part? I am straight dad. You never even considered this fact? I would have understood if there was a girl betrothed to me. Do you hear me? I am straight!" He said angrily now.

Ohm turned to look at him, "Do you think I am not?" he asked annoyed.

"I am only going to talk for myself." Nanon answered him.

Ohm shook his head in frustration and got up facing his father. "What do you expect me to do? To save this company and this house, should I just ruin my entire life? Do I have no choice to take my decisions without bearing the guilt of your bad decisions?" he asked his parents. "And as he said, we don't even swing that way."

"That's not true." Ple said. Everyone turned to look at her. Except for Ae, Manop and Yui, all the kids were staring at Ple wide eyed.

"Mom, what the hell?" Nanon asked.

"Whom are you talking about Mom Ple?" Ohm asked trying to make sure that he is not involved in the context.

"Yeah I mean bro's porn collection is very straight as well." Aim said. Manop and Yui turned to glare at her. Ohm eyed her as well. "Oops!" she said and kept a hand on her mouth and shook her head.

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