Chapter 23 - Mental Conflict

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--- Nanon ---

I pressed my lips against his. I did not even wait for him to answer. It wasn't like I was desperate. I am still furious. I am mad at myself for thinking that Ohm was genuinely befriending me.

It turns out that everything was a game for him. Yes, I was playing with him too. But I had in mind that I will stop myself at the friendship line.

I have been feeling guilty for more than a month over this. But now I am going to give him the taste of his own medicine.

I held him like that for a while and then pushed back a little. I smiled at him awkwardly.

"Is this how you kiss a person you like?" he asked. He was smirking.

I agree it wasn't my best kiss. But how else am I supposed to kiss a person whom I am faking to like?

He came closer to me and pulled me by my waist. Then he looked into my eyes.

"Ohm... What are you..." I started to say.

But he pressed his lips on mine. Slowly and gently.

I tried to push him back but he grabbed my waist with both the hands.

I was fixed in place. Also there was this intensity that was pulling me in. He started moving his lips slowly kissing me. My upper lip and then my lower. He tilted his head to a side and then kept on repeating the procedure.

I wasn't prepared for this. But Ohm wasn't pushing me either. He was just comforting me. He caressed my back along. Unknown to my will, my hands held him by his neck. I started kissing him back.

Maybe it is the kissing instinct that made me do it again. But I wanted to kiss him in that instant.

He was being careful like he doesn't want me to get scared and pull back. He is not forcing himself on me. Our lips are moving in sync. He nibbled once harder and then slowly pulled back and smiled at me.

His smile was so different that I could not react. I only looked back at him.

"This is how you kiss a person you like." He said still holding me.

I am in a fix now. I cannot push him coz I just confessed. And I don't know what to make out of this situation.

"I like you too Nanon." He said now nuzzling his none with mine.

Shit! I am blushing. I am actually blushing. I don't know what to do and say.

I know he is playing me. But how come he is so natural at it?

And now what? What shall I do?

I stared at him and he kept smiling.

"Ohm... I..."

"It's ok. I know." He said rubbing my hair. All this is making me feel weird. Why am I blushing.

"What... do you know?" I asked blankly.

"Let's not rush it. Let's take one step at a time. For now, I like you and you like me, that is enough." He said smiling and finally let me go.

I can't believe I was frozen in place in his arms till now without protesting.

He left me there giving me a smile and then went upstairs to the room.

I was so confused. When I reached room, he was already sleeping.

I did not dare to wake him up.

Whole night, I kept thinking about the kiss. The sensation I felt within. I don't know what is wrong with me.

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