Chapter 31 - The Trip

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--- Ohm ---

It's been a week since I am trying to stop Nanon from whatever he is doing. And I am terribly failing.

And it's not just him. Drake, Chimon and Jimmy are all in this together.

Rith always makes sure that apart from work Niran is away from me. Something or the other keeps popping up like once Rith's parents came and so Niran had to go meet them.

The other day Niran's parents came and then they had a dinner.

Once Rith met with an accident while trying to save a cat from hitting a bicycle which was just parked in the stand.

After that I don't even bother asking him the reason when he asks to leave.

Drake is a traitor. He is supposed to be my friend but he is siding with Nanon.

And Chimon too. I have always seen Chimon standing up on my side but this time everyone is with Nanon.

Though things are better now.

Because Mom is talking to me again.

Mom called me one day for dinner and told me that she will forgive me since Nanon is not hurt.

Though she also asked me to make sure I never repeat what I did.

I couldn't promise her.

I still need to pretend this way.

Nanon is sensitive. He will be hurt badly if Dad is exposed. And more than that, Dad Ae might never forgive dad.

I can't imagine how difficult it will be to then bring the families together.

We have been together always. Even before I was born.

I have never celebrated any festival, any occasion any special day without the Korapats.

I have never heard of our names in news separately.

Half of the dishes I like to eat are what Mom Ple cooks for me.

Many of the things I own and are special to me are gifts from Dad Ae.

So many memories of my childhood are related to playing with or taking care of Chimon.

None of the photo albums at home are just of our family alone.

I don't know how dad even came to this sort of a conclusion that Nanon's grandpa deliberately did this to harass us.

From where I am seeing it is more like trying to make this bond stronger so that the two families don't drift apart.

Honestly, I found it wrong when Nanon and I had to marry each other.

It all turned out to be good because somehow, we both had a thing for guys or for each other that we realized later.

But this could have been a disaster otherwise.

So I guess dad has his reasons. But seeing us happy should have subsided the anger.

He doesn't need to go take this path.

I am stupidly trying to pass this time as much as I can. Just because I have a plan that I need to fulfil.

Until then I cannot let my guard down.

I love Nanon. But my relationship with him is not more important than the two families' connection.

And so even if I don't want it but I am bound to hurt him. I am bound to not respond to his actions. I know he is trying to seek my attention and get close to me. He is trying to make me talk. He wants to know the reason.

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