Chapter 15 - About The Kiss

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When Ohm and Nanon were kissing, Ae patted Manop's shoulder. "Our kids are good at pretending." He said.

"Yes, we were worried for nothing. They will be able to deal with it." Manop replied.

"Looking at the situation right now, I guess they might even take it for real someday." Yui said.

"That would be great right?" Ple was excited. "We will not have to go through the process of separation."

"I just hope that these two will be able to find the happiness that we thought they will find in this relationship." Manop said.

"Let's just hope for the best." Ae replied. The four of them looked happily at their sons kissing each other on stage.


15 years back:

Nanon came running to Ple and hugged her crying.

"What happened my dear?" Ple sat down swiftly adjusting her pregnant belly near Nanon on the couch.

"My favorite soft ball..." he cried.

"Oh baby, we will get you a new one." She knew that it was soaked in fountain.

"No. I wanted to give it to Ohm. But instead he threw it in fountain." Nanon said while Ple wiped his tears.

"You wanted to give it to him?" Ple asked surprised. "Wasn't it your favorite?"

"Yes, that was my best toy. So I wanted Ohm to have it as his birthday present." Nanon said crying even louder.

"Oh honey. Then why didn't you tell him so?"

"Because I wanted to surprise him. So I left it near his bike like how Santa leaves presents for me on Christmas."

Ple chuckled. "Don't worry my dear. We will buy him a new one."

"No. He said I can never be his friend again. Then why should I give him a gift?"

"Oh dear. He will forget about it soon. And then you can give him the best gift that you wish for."

"I don't want to. I will not give him any gift ever." Nanon stomped his feet and ran up to his room crying.

Ple turned to look at Ae worried. "Do you think they will be ok once they grow up?" she asked.

Ae sat down beside Ple. He was listening to the whole conversation quietly but was still smiling.

"You are focusing on the wrong thing here." He said holding her hand. She looked at him confused. "Didn't you hear? Nanon wanted to give Ohm, what he had the best." He smiled at her.

Ple thought about it and smiled. "I did not think in that way."

"Let them be, Ple. One day they will realize what they feel for each other, be it love, care, support or just friendship. I have complete faith in this relationship. These two were born together to be together."


"Dad. I need a new plush toy." Ohm said pouting to Manop.

"Ohm you have one already." Manop said keeping away the gifts that Ohm had received on his birthday.

"It's destroyed now. Nanon threw it away in fountain."

"We can always take it out and wash it." Yui said patting his back lightly.

"No. I don't want it anymore."

"Why baby? I'll make it as good as new." Yui tried to convince him.

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