Chapter 2 - A Deal is a Deal

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So as I explained the sequence issue earlier, I hope you are reading this chapter first and then you will need to jump back to chapter 3. 👆

I apologise for the confusion but Wattpad is teasing me by swapping back these chapters everytime I change the order. 🙏

The atmosphere at the dining table was quiet.

Ae and Manop were eating in silence while a pregnant Ple was looking after the two kids playing in the garden. Yui was preparing snacks for the kids.

It was fifth birthday of Ohm and Nanon which the two families were celebrating together.

Nobody thought to discuss about the weird wedding deal for the past five years. In fact, everyone was subtly avoiding the topic as much as possible.

But it all came back to them when the family lawyer died and his next in kin made way to the birthday party interrupting the happy celebration.

The lawyer came to cross verify the deal documents and confirm if it was still on considering that the two kids were of same gender. But the laid condition for nonfulfillment was so problematic that everyone was busy thinking hard.

"Sigh. I have decided to go with it." Manop said. "It doesn't matter if they both are boys. What do you say Ae?"

"But what if they both don't have that sexual orientation?" Ae asked concerned.

"That is something that we will leave for them to decide. Besides this whole thing our families have built with so much effort and pain. We can't let it dissolve or be eaten away by outsiders."

"I know but... I am unable to decide."

"Ae, I think Manop is right. We should give in to this. After all, who knows the future? They might end up loving each other if they grow up together." Ple chimed in the conversation.

"I agree with Ple. And we love both of them as our own kids. So we will be happy to see them together too." Yui added.

Ae took a deep breath and looked at the two kids playing outside. They both were riding bicycles.

"I just hope our kids are able to be happy with this." He said and looked at Ple who smiled at him and then turned to Manop. "If you and Yui don't mind, I and Ple don't mind either. After all, a deal is a deal."

"And the way times are changing, I am sure by the time they grow up, the acceptance for same sex marriage is going to be increased." Ple added.

"And I love Nanon. He is so cute. I would be so lucky to have a son in law like him." Yui said hugging Ple.

"We too love Ohm as much we love Nanon. We will be more than happy to have him as our son in law." Manop said. "But let's not tell the kids until it's time. This should stay between us elders." he added.

"I agree. The kids are too young to understand anything. We will tell them when the time comes. And when we will feel that they are ready to tie the knot." Ae said.

"Alright. Let's call the lawyer and confirm." Yui grabbed the phone and called the lawyer.

They confirmed that the deal is on and they will go ahead with it even if it would be a same sex marriage. Once confirmed, the four rejoiced again and continued with the dinner.

Outside in the garden Ohm was kicking Nanon's bike while riding. Nanon was able to dodge his kicks till now. As soon as Ple left to have dinner inside, Ohm and Nanon's playful race turned intense. Both wanted to win, and at any cost.

Nanon started kicking Ohm's bike as well. In the midst of all this, both of them crashed and fell on the ground. Angry, they pulled each other's hair and started screaming.

"You cheated." Ohm screamed.

"You cheated first." Nanon screamed back.

"You spat on my bike first." Ohm yelled.

"I wasn't intending to, you monkey." Nanon yelled back.

"Leave my hair or I'll beat you." Ohm tried to threaten him.

"I'll beat you with a stick too." Nanon was not giving up either.

"Ohm! Nanon! Stop right there." Manop came running.

"What are you two doing?" Ae asked annoyed.

"Dad he kicked my bike and I fell." Nanon complained.

"He spat on my tire first." Ohm complained.

"Ok, ok. Just apologize to each other and get this over with." Yui said.

"I won't apologize to him." Ohm said.

"Me too. I will not apologize to him." Nanon repeated.

"Kids, if you won't get along, I will take away your presents." Ple pointed to the heap of presents kept on the table.

Ohm and Nanon glared at each other and pouted. But nobody said a word.

"I will count till 3. 1... 2..." Manop said glaring at his son primarily.

"I am sorry." Ohm said scared by his father's gaze, not looking at Nanon's direction.

"Nanon, I am going to throw away all your gifts." Ae scolded Nanon.

"I am sorry." Nanon said without looking at Ohm either, still sulking.

"Good, now shake hands." Yui said smiling.

The both unwillingly obliged.

"You two should always be together. Take care of each other hmm? Don't fight with each other." Ple said hugging the two now.

"Yes, you both have to have each other's back always." Yui said smiling adoring the two.

The parents all looked at the two in Ple's embrace accepting the fact that Ohm and Nanon will always be together.

While Ohm and Nanon stared at each other pouting. Nanon grimaced at Ohm while Ohm stuck his tongue out to tease him. As soon as Ple left the hug they both quietly went back to their bikes.

While riding the bike Ohm found Nanon's soft ball. He looked around and couldn't see Nanon nearby. So he instantly threw it in the fountain. It floated near the plush toy that was Ohm's favorite. He looked at the other side of the fountain and saw Nanon teasing him.

"You are a dog!" Ohm screamed annoyed from one side of the fountain.

"And you are a donkey!" Nanon replied from the other side.

"You can never be my friend again." Ohm snapped.

"I don't ever want to befriend you either." Nanon replied.

They both scowled at each other before returning to their parents who were calling them over for unwrapping gifts.

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