Chapter 5 - Archenemy

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--- Ohm ---

"Happy Birthday Man." Drake slammed open my bedroom door and walked in smiling holding a gift in hand. "Here. This is for you."

"You bought me a gift? What is it? Porn magazine?" I asked turning to him from the mirror.

"Shit! How well do you know me?" Drake said unwrapping the magazine and showing it to me with a long whistle.

"Ahem..." I gestured him to look on the bed where Aim was sitting selecting broche for my coat for the party. Right now she was glaring at the magazine cover in Drake's hand.

"Fuck! Sorry." Drake said and hid the magazine behind him. I shook my head, laughed and turned back to get ready.

"You guys are lit!" Aim exclaimed still gaping at Drake.

"What... I... I just bought it to tease him on his birthday." Drake stuttered.

I chortled and he eyed me.

"Aim, have you selected any broche yet?" I asked her trying to avoid the banter.

"Yes, how about this one?" she showed me the eagle broche and I have to admit, it went perfectly with my suit.

"Fix it for me." I told her. She jumped off the bed with the broche. She is tall. But am taller. This makes her look adorable. She is too young as well. I always have to be on my guard when we are outside together. So many guys drool looking at her. As a brother it pisses me off. But at the same time, it's completely normal. And I am happy that she has her charms.

Today she is dressed in an elegant olive colored dress which suits her style and personality, quirky and cute.

She fixed my broche and then turned me to the mirror.

I looked at myself in the black suit especially bought by my father for this day. And I have to admit, I looked decent. And an adult. 20 is the age to enter adulthood anyway.

"Wow... Bro you look so handsome." She said side hugging me.

I simpered and pulled her cheeks.

"Hey... don't ruin my make up." She said and slapped at the back of my hand.

"How do I look?" Drake chimed in.

We turned to look at Drake who was shining in his royal blue blazer. He is clumsy and sometimes behaves like a fool, but he is tall and good looking, no doubt about that.

"You always look good." Aim side hugged him as well.

"Thanks princess." He replied patting her head.

"Show me the magazine." She said.

"Are you nuts? Get out of here." Drake said hiding the magazine in his jacket.

"C'mon, please I just want to look at it once." She pleaded trying to pull it out of his jacket.

"Aim..." I eyed her.

"Alright. I'll be out now. See you guys downstairs." She raised her hand in defense, waved at us and left the room.

"So..." Drake sat on the bed while I brushed my hair.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you think today is a big deal? I mean this dress up and all?"

"I don't know but I want to assume that this is for declaring the next CEO."

"Are you serious?" Drake jumped up. "But your dad and uncle Ae are not going to resign yet right?"

"Not so soon. Maybe they will declare for the future."

"Do you think it is going to be you?"

"Of course, who else can it be?"

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