Chapter 25 - Sexual Tension

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--- Ohm ---

I slumped down on my bed grunting and scowling.

"Hey" Aim said without looking up from her laptop screen.

I rolled from my back to my chest and hid my face in the pillow.

"What's up with you, bro? Why are you rolling on my bed?" she asked.

"This is my bed." I said.

"But now you don't stay here. I have been planning to replace your room with mine. This is bigger and I like it." She said still clicking her mouse multiple times.

I did not reply. I don't know what to say. I don't really care about my old bed or my old room.

I am concerned about the missing action in my new room on my new bed.

Since three days, Nanon and I have been in this dilemma. I like him. I am physically attracted to him too. And I want to... I really want to take the next step with him.

I know his body responds to my touch. Coz I have seen it. But we both are scared and confused.

None of us is a virgin. But none of us knows what to do with male bodies yet.

I googled it. I read a few books too. I am sure Non must be doing the same things.

A few videos disgusted me. I can never do that to Non. I can't even imagine myself in that situation.

"Ohm!" Drake came in. "Hey Aim." He greeted my sister as soon as he got it.

I turned to my back again without getting up from the bed.

"Hi. I guess I will not be able to work here anymore?" Aim said getting up from her chair. "So, I'll better leave." She said now closing her laptop.

She turned and saw me. Drake kept his bag aside and sat on the couch in front.

"What's up with you?" Aim asked now concerned. "Why are you like this?"

"Can you please leave me alone?" I said.

"Huh... suit yourself." She grimaced. "And don't you dare call me if you need snacks." She said while walking out of the room waving bye to Drake.

Drake chuckled at her once before turning to me.

"I rushed from office here. What was so urgent?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

Drake has been calling me since three days. But I have been avoiding him. Today when he called I told him to come and see me at my old house.

When he asked to meet outside, I told him its SOS and I need privacy.

As per our SOS protocol, we are supposed to rush to each other from any corner of the world.

So obviously he ran from office to meet me.

"Dude... I am waiting..." he said again.

"I am not able to..."

"You are not able to?"

"I am... I am not able to..."

"Dude start talking before I smack you." Drake said.

I thought about how to start talking about it.

Nanon and I are together that I already informed everyone in the group. We met them and told them the next day and we all celebrated.

We even included our two assistants in it.

But what we did not tell them about is what happened after that.

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