Chapter 13 - Pretence

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--- Ohm ---

As soon as we got out of the room, we were surprised to see Aim sitting with Love on the couch below.

"Hi Nanon, Ohm" Love greeted us as we walked downstairs.

"Hi!" I waved at her with a smile.

"Hey... How have you been?" Nanon walked to her hurriedly.

"I am fine. Thanks. How are you both?" she asked looking at both of us.

"All good." I said.

Nanon just looked at her with a brief smile.

I could tell he likes her a lot. Maybe even more than I do. In fact, I always thought of her chances to be with me less as compared to Nanon. Because they both were more compatible.

Although I can't deny that she is beautiful and I am attracted to her. But you know when you are serious or when it's just an adoration. To be honest, I never found someone for whom I can fall head over heels. I dated a lot. But no one could hold my interest for long.

I am not a player though. I respect the feelings of the girls I am involved with. And I have always been very discrete about getting physical and about break ups.

I do try to be completely honest with my feelings with my partner. But I haven't found someone who can keep up with me.

Nanon is sensitive, so I have heard from everyone. His dating style is different from mine. He has had 2 girlfriends till now. And they were in a serious relationship. Not a fling. But I heard from Drake that the first girl had cheated on him and the second one was too materialistic so he dumped her.

I never ask for his info. But Drake always tells me about him. Mostly he gets the updates from Jimmy.

I am used to ignoring such senseless information. Except for about his achievements. Because that is when we are each other's competitors.

We have always been against each other. But this time even when we are on the opposite sides, irony is we need to fight together, as a team with everyone who is going to judge us.

Now my complete focus needs to be on this arrangement with Nanon and my chances of becoming a CEO in future. I cannot let any kind of feelings ruin it.

But I guess Nanon is still not over it in case of Love. Or maybe his isn't just an infatuation as mine. He will need some time.

Well... Who cares? Why am I even thinking about all this?

"So... What brings you here?" I asked Love before Nanon could make her feel anymore uncomfortable with his staring.

"I came to meet Aunt Yui but she isn't at home. Then got to know you both are here so I thought I'll say hi before leaving." Love said smiling bright.

Nanon looked at me awkwardly. I turned to look away from him.

"Since when are you here?" I asked Love.

"Oh it's been half an hour. I bugged her so much. But she has been very patient with me." Aim answered instead.

"That's not true. You are the best company one can ask for." Love replied to Aim holding her hand and smiling sweetly.

"Oh that long? You could have called..." Nanon started to say.

"Ummm you both were in the room together, I thought I should not interfere."

Everyone went silent for a moment.

If I think from her perspective, we are a couple now. And we were in my room. So... Shit! What was she thinking?

Wait a minute.. She should be thinking that way only. In fact, I should make sure she thinks that way. Because then only our relationship will look real. That's the whole point of what we discussed earlier.

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