Chapter 18 - Five Stages of Love

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--- Nanon ---

Cabin, my foot! It's a cubicle.

Ohm and I have been given cubicles in the middle of the floor. The only upside is that we both have received cubicles which aren't shared by others. The others are sharing a cubicle of four each.

From today, we both have to lead a team of 20 members each. I am the manager of Strategy Planning Team 1 and he is going to handle team 2.

When Anaya introduced us to the teams, all the members were in partial shock. But their shock wasn't as prominent as ours. We were more shocked to know that we are to manage people who are elder than us. A few are like in their 40s. But then what was I expecting? We have just graduated.

After an hour of introductions and chatting with the teammates, ice breaking as they call it, we finally settled in our cubicles.

Ohm and I sit on the extreme corners of the floor. There are two wings on the two sides of the elevator entrance. Wing A is for Team 1 and Wing B is for Team 2.

The cafeteria is common between the wings and so are the loos.

Usually the building is divided amongst teams on each floor which hardly requires people to go to another floor unless required.

So from now onwards floor 12, wing A is going to be my second home I guess.

If I don't think about what all happened with me in the morning, the office is really nice.

All my team members are experienced. A few are of my age group, but they are interns or juniors. But overall I am the youngest.

But then I am the senior most if I talk about the designation. Which makes this whole thing a bit awkward.

Well now I do understand what it means to start from the bottom most layer. It is important. If I were appointed as future CEO without any experience, I might would have disappointed many people in the organization. Not to mention that we got the highest position in one of the upper layer management teams which we would not have got if we were not related to the current CEOs.

I guess I should start with positive attitude. After all our fathers have so many years of experience and successful tenure in this organization. They must have thought of everything thoroughly.

Since half an hour I was lost in the pile of project files on my desk when suddenly someone popped up in front of me with a broad smile plastered on his face.

"Good morning Sir." He said cheerfully. So cheerfully that everybody from the other cubicles turned to look at him.

I looked around and then turned to him confused. Anaya did not introduce him earlier. Is he a team member?

He is a bit shorter than me and wears spectacles. One of his ear is pierced too. He is dressed in a formal white shirt and blue pant with a blue tie.

"Good morning?" replied puzzled. He had literally jumped in my cube. Of course I was muddled.

"My name is Rith. From today I am your new personal assistant." He bowed down dramatically.

"Assistant? Will I need an assistant?" I muttered.

"Of course sir. Coz your goal is not just to manage the team, but also to be a potential CEO of KP Tech." he said enthusiastically.

"Ummm.... Thanks."

He smiled wide at me stupidly. I smiled back brifly and turned my attention to my file again.

He pulled a chair and sat beside me looking into the file with me.

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