Chapter 4 - Between Love and War

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A whole semester had gone by and Ohm and Nanon both kept trying to get Love's attention with failed attempts. But they both were not giving in.

And Love was not at all understanding the tension behind her back. She was sweetly mingling with both of them making it difficult for them to understand where they stand.

Ae's family visited Manop's family for having dinner together. After dinner Ae and Manop were watching a hockey match while Yui and Ple were busy chatting with each other in the inner room.

Chimon was allowed in Ohm's room as Ohm treated him as his little brother. He was surfing through his laptop for some good movies while Ohm was playing mobile games beside him.

While Nanon was with Aim helping her with her assignment.

"This was so easy when you taught it this way. Thank you so much, Non." Aim said closing her math book. She was stuck with a problem since evening and Ohm was lazing around ignoring her request to help. As soon as she saw Nanon, she asked him to help which he willingly did after dinner.

"Math is all about technique and tricks. I'll teach you a few more someday."

"Promise?" she asked and Nanon shook hands with her promising the same. He adored her. She was the youngest amongst them all. Chimon was five and a half years younger than Nanon while Aim was Seven years younger. This was the reason that all three of them took care of her more than anything.

"Do you want ice cream?" Nanon asked Aim getting up from the chair.

"No, I am full." She replied.

"Ok, then I'll get myself some. Yui mom said she prepared my favorite one at home today."

"Yeah, she knows you love the one she makes."

Nanon smiled and went into the kitchen downstairs.

It was like this since childhood. They used to call both the parents Mom and Dad. And they felt comfortable at each other's place too. It was like a second home to them. But still as the kids grew up and got busy with studies, the parents, especially the moms were overwhelmed on rare occasions when they get to see them. And used to do everything they liked.

Ohm saw Nanon walking out of the other room and he turned to look at Chimon.

"Hey, do you want soda?" Ohm asked Chimon.

"No bro. I am fine." He replied busy with the laptop.

"Then I'll get one for myself." He said and got up from bed.

"By the way. Ohm bro. How can I get this template?" Chimon asked excitedly turning the laptop screen towards Ohm.

"I bought it for my presentation. You can copy source from the drive."

"Really? Then can I take your thumb drive and copy some movies too?"

"Which movie are you referring to?" Ohm walked back to laptop to check.

"I... I found some interesting ones." Chimon turned away the laptop screen.

Ohm chuckled understanding his intention.

"I have a huge collection. Wait, I'll give you the external hard drive."

"Really!" Chimon jumped in excitement.

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone. You are still..."

"I am not a kid anymore." Chimon pouted.

Ohm flicked his finger on Chimon's forehead. "Yeah that I can see. That's why I am sharing with you. You know whom you have to hide it from right?"

"From Non... I know." He gave a thumbs up.

Ohm handed him the hard drive and laughed while walking out of the room.

Nanon took out two big scoops of his favorite caramel cranberry ice cream in a bowl and kept the remaining back in refrigerator. As soon as he turned he found Ohm standing there looking at him with a smirk on his face.

Nanon ignored him and started walking out of the kitchen picking up his bowl.

"Same old taste huh?" Ohm said. Nanon stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Ohm.

"None of your business." He said sternly.

"I am fine as far as your taste and mine are not the same." Ohm said taking a spoonful of ice cream from Nanon's bowl and helping himself. He grimaced and acted as if he would puke. "This sucks."

Nanon threw the spoon in sink and took another spoon from the stand. He took a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth. Devouring the taste of his favorite ice cream he smiled. "You shouldn't try what you can't digest. Leave it for the ones to whom it suits."

They both knew now that it wasn't about the ice cream anymore.

Ohm smirked and shook his head.

"Everything is fair in love and war. And this is both." Ohm said raising his eyebrow with confidence.

"I agree. And I never lose." Nanon challenged taking another spoonful.

"Well... who will lose and who will win, time will tell." Ohm said taking out his favorite soda from the fridge. Nanon ignored him and continued to devour his ice cream.

Ohm held a bottle opener and opened the bottle such that the cap flew above Nanon's head and landed straight behind him in the bin below the counter.

Unfazed by it, Nanon finished his last spoonful and walked to sink. He washed the bowl and spoon leaving the other spoon that Ohm had used there itself.

"Yup time will tell who is the better suited." Nanon said wiping his hands.

Ohm took a large sip from the soda and burped in Nanon's direction.

Nanon chuckled. "Had heard that gorillas remain the same no matter how much they grow up."

"Stop watching animal planet then. They are teaching bullshit to absent minded kids these days." He tossed the bottle in the bin and walked outside happy that he was successfully able to annoy his enemy.

On the door he stumbled upon the kitchen cloth that Nanon had deliberately threw in that direction.

Nanon walked till the door where Ohm was standing, and said chuckling. "What was that? Between love and war? Yes, I remember now.... Everything is fair. Isn't it?" He sneered, winked and walked back upstairs.

Ohm glared at the boy who had the audacity to irritate him in his own house.

---- End of Pilot Chapters ----

Hey Guys, 😇

This marks the end of pilot chapters. Hope you are enjoying it. 🥰😍

From next week onwards we will kick start with the madness. 🤪

Am excited. Are you? 🙃

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