2. Jason

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"Rise and shine Jas" I stirred in my bed letting out a small groan "Come on Jas get up we have to be at Aunt Lucy's wedding in less than an hour and you're not even showered yet"

I was slightly hung over which wasn't good. I don't drink, but I did last night when that girl Alyssa handed me those two shots. I guess I didn't want to seem like a loser so I took them; and then all night girls were buying me drinks and I figured it would have been rude not to drink them right.

Wrong Jason... God damn it dude you didn't have to drink them.

But you wanted to didn't you?

Okay so maybe my inner voice was right. I did want to drink and have a good time last night. I was out with the boys after all. Now my sister was in my room rocking me awake because I had to go to My Aunts Wedding reception.

Damn these family functions.

"Oh come on Camie let me just meet you there... I'm sure Aunt Lucy won't mind. She didn't even invite us to the ceremony" I roll over onto my stomach covering my head with a pillow "Just half hour more"

"No. Now get up before I pour freezing cold water over you" She threatened. I removed the pillow from my head and looked at her opening one eye.

"You wouldn't?" I tested lifting my head.

"Wanna chance it?"

I didn't wanna chance it because I knew my twin too well. She would pour the water over me and not stay to help me change the bed either. There was this one time when Mum needed us to go out to the town centre and I was asleep. I wouldn't get up and Camie threatened saying she was going to pour water on me if I didn't get up and she did when I refused since then I believe her threats because I knew she wouldn't back down... She'll do it. that's for sure.

I let out a loud groan and throw the pillow at her which she dodged "Okay fine I'm up" I remove the covers from me and stand up.

"Oh god Jason... You stink" She complained waving her hands up and down "Go shower or something. Jason you know you're not meant to be drinking"

"Oh shut it Camie" I glare at her "Now you can go, I'll meet you and Jayden there. I'll drive myself"

"Okay fine, but if you're not there in an hour I swear I will come back and kick your ass to the moon" She picks up her jacket from the chair she places it on and walked out of my room.

Oh the joys of having a twin sister.


The wedding party was in full swing when I arrived. I saw Camie and her boyfriend Jayden in the corner with their friends and most of my family were on the dance floor or swooning around the bride my Aunt Lucy. I walked through the crowd to the bar and ordered a Jack Daniels and coke.

"Best way to get rid of a hangover Jas" I turn around and see my Bestfriend and cousin Mattie and his girlfriend Clover. I cancelled my order and ordered a coke instead. Camie was right I shouldn't drink.

"Mattie dude hey" We did our famous guy hand shake and I kissed Clover on the cheek.

"So how you holding up... When I left ya last night you were a little messed up man"

"Oh I'm okay. Nothing sleep can't fix" Mattie laughs snaking his arm around Clovers waist "Thanks for taking me home man"

"Oh it's all good. Clo looked after both of us. We did go looking for you, but you disappeared for a while"

I thought back to last night and how Alyssa caught my eye when she was moving to the music on the dance floor. How her hips moved with every beat. She was a good dancer and the whole night I was memorised by her.

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