15. Alyssa

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I slowly opened the front door to my house to see Jason standing on the front step wearing a black tux with a cyan coloured tie. He had the same colour flower pinned to his jacket pocket. His eyes scanned my body and a smile spreads across his face. He steps forward and takes my hand in his "You look amazing Princess" I blush. Lucky for me I had already applied a little blush to my cheeks. I had decided to wear a burgundy of the shoulder ruffled dress I had brought with Jessica last week. I wore a diamond pair of earrings with a purple stone in the centre which matched the ring I was wearing too and my silver thin heeled pumps along with my glittery silver hand held bag.

"You don't look bad yourself Green Eyes" He smirks at me as he leans his head down and places a soft kiss to the back of my hand like he was my Prince Charming.

"You ready to go?" He asks nodding to the white stretched limo that I had just noticed parked in my drive way. My mouth hung open as I walk pass Jason and eye the vehicle we were apparently going to the wedding in. I heard a chuckle come from behind me "Close your mouth Princess you don't wanna catch flies" he jokes standing beside "So you ready?"

I slowly nod walking back into my house to grab the pick cardigan I picked out and my white on the shoulder purse and follow Jason down my drive and towards the limo.


"You are now husband and wife you may kiss the bride" The guy up front announces getting an applause and whistles from the crowd as Camie and Jayden smile at each other before locking lips.

Jason and I arrived at the ceremony just as everyone was walking inside the church. I sat at the front next to Jason as Camie came walking down the aisle. She looked amazing in her very long white and gold gown. The ceremony lasted about half hour and now we were watching the happy married couple walking back down the aisle hand in hand as everyone cheered and clapped.

Jason turns to me and smiles taking my hand in his before we walk down the aisle too seeing Camie and Jayden get into the just married car that was waiting for them outside "You wanna come to the reception with me too or should I drop you home?" Jason asks as Camie and Jayden's car turns the corner.

"The reception sounds like fun" I reply swinging our hands back and forth looking up at him. I could seriously get use to this.

No Alyssa no feelings involved remember. Oh shit I'm doing it again.

I slowly slip my hand out of his nod to the limo we came in "Shouldn't we get going too?" I look around at everyone else leaving for the hall not too far from the church.

"After you Princess" he says and I nod l leading the way to the limo.


"You must be Alyssa?" A girls voice said from behind me. I excuse myself from talking to the bartender and turn around to see Camie standing there in her wedding gown "The girl Jason brought with him"

"Erm... Yeah I guess that's me" I reply suddenly feeling awkward. I scan the crowd around us and find Jason in the mix talking to a bunch of guys by the DJ who happened to be really good tonight.

"Okay so listen here little miss flawless" Camie started and my heart started to race with all the things she could yell at me right now, but all of a sudden her face softened "I'm sorry that was a little rude of me" She apologises sipping at the champagne she had in her glass "I just wanna say please don't hurt my brother. I'm not sure what you guys are, but I know he cares even if he doesn't show it... Just be careful with him please. I don't think he could take anymore heartbreak" I listened to her, but I didn't know how to reply. The only way no one will get hurt is if neither Jason nor I have feelings in whatever this is and luckily for me Jayden came up behind the bride and whisked her away and back to the dance floor. Leaving me with the knowledge that Jason likes me.


"Hey you okay?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Jason's voice. We were back in the limo now at half 3 in the morning. The party ended half hour ago, but I along with Jason offered to help clean up. Well to the best we could until the cleaners arrived later today.

I turn from the tinted window and looked at the Green Eyed guy I have begun to form feelings form. The notion of that gave me a quick feel of my true feelings. I gotta try harder to keep them bottled up, but for some reason when Camie acted like Jason's angel on the shoulder and told me his true feelings it let mine shine through too.

"Yeah I'm okay"


My inner self shouted. I pushed her aside not knowing if she would keep screaming at me.

"I'm just kinda tired" Quick excuse that worked. Jason smiled at me and nodded reaching over and taking my hand in his. He has become touchy-feely lately "Are you taking me home because I live back there" I followed the streets with my eyes and watched as the turning for my house disappeared.

"I can take you home if you want" He replies leaning forward "Marcus please turn around so we can drop Miss Leyton off" Very formal Jason Hopkins.

"As you wish Sir" Marcus responds eyeing for the next turning.

"Actually Marcus it's okay... I'll go home with Mr Hopkins tonight" Marcus nods eying Jason in the rear view mirror as if he was asking him if that was okay. Jason gave him a slight nod which Marcus did back and then Jason leaned back into the seat and I relaxed beside him.


I couldn't sleep no matter how much I tried. Jason was sleeping beside me in a sweet slumber and I just wish I could doze off too. I grab my phone from the beside cabinet and slowly climb out of bed so I didn't wake Green Eyes beside me. I grabbed his shirt he wore to the wedding and pulled it over my small frame. I headed out of the room and dialled the first person who popped into my head.

"Hello" came his sleepy voice. I looked up at the clock and saw it was a little pass 4:00 in the morning. I instantly felt guilty.

"Sorry I woke you" I uttered walking down the hall and to the home theatre.

"Alyssa" His voice perked up a little and more delight entered through.

"Yeah it's me. I know it's too early and I'm sorry I woke you..."

"No no it's fine" He cuts in and I smile at that and climbed into one of the soft couches "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I just... I couldn't sleep and I..."

"Where are you, you want me to come pick you up?" He cuts in again and I contemplated it for a moment, but then what I kind of person would I be to do that to anyone; to sleep with Jason then have Scottie come pick me up from his place early in the morning. I'd be a bitch... That's what I'd be.

"No eh... I'm at a friend's place" It wasn't a lie. Jason and I are friends. Okay so we're a little more than friends, but friends nonetheless.

"Okay and she is sleeping" I ignore the she part and agree to what she said "Okay well my family and I are coming down to your house later today. How about we hang out and stuff then?"

"Yeah okay sure I'd like that" And I would. Maybe I was a little too hasty when I told him we could never be friends. I was once his friend before so maybe I could be his friend again without the kissing "So I'll see you later"

"Most defiantly freckles" And with that we both hung up. I was slightly happy with that call so I went back to Jason's room climbed into the bed and finally after talking to Scottie I fell into a soft slumber cuddling up to Jason.

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