chapter 5: weisz needs a job

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chapter 5: weisz needs a job


       "Did you make your choice yet?" Neil asks as I stare at the ballot in my hand with the two choices for the upcoming dance's theme. I don't even know why I grab a ballot; the whole reason why the students are voting is for the theme because I couldn't help settle the deadlock.

       "Not yet," I say. "I don't even know if I can decide on a theme. They're both good."

       "I'll give you five bucks if you vote for my theme," Neil says. To prove he's telling the truth about his bribe, he pulls his wallet out of his pocket, fishing for a five dollar bill.

       Jessica sighs. "Neil, you can't bribe him."

       Neil glares at Jessica. "You're only saying that because you're voting for the other theme." Neil looks at me. "Ten dollars."

       "You do know that my vote might not be enough to sway the outcome," I say. "It will just be one vote. There could be a bunch of students that want the other theme."

       "Twenty dollars."


       Jessica sighs again. "Way to be bought, Weisz."

       "Hey, twenty dollars is twenty dollars," I say. "I currently do not have a job, so I'll take all the money I can get." I've been wanting to get a job after moving to this town, but like the reason why I don't want to join any after school activities, I wanted to settle in first. I probably won't go out looking for a job, but if I happen to come across a place hiring that interests me, I'll apply.

       Neil digs through his wallet, only to huff. "I don't have a twenty. I'll give it to you tomorrow if you still vote for me."

       I shake my head. "No, thanks. I'll only vote for your theme if I get the money now."

       "That's lame," Neil says.

       "Well, look at who's voting for a theme," Hal says.

       I look at the table in the cafeteria where the ballots are. Most students grab a ballot and put it in the box once they mark their choice. I'm probably one of the few people who grabbed a ballot and brought it to their table since I just can't make a decision.

       Reno is currently at the table, looking at one of the ballots. He hasn't currently made his decision, so I get up from the table and walk over to the ballots. "So which theme seems more interesting to you?" I ask.

       "I'm not sure," Reno says. "They both seem cool. I don't even know if I'm going to go to the dance. I've never been to one."

       "Really?" I ask.

       Reno nods. "No one to go with and I'd rather not go alone. I'd just be sitting by the side, watching everyone else have fun."

       "Well, if you do go, I'd like to hang out with you," I say, giving Reno a smile. Truth is, I really do want to hang out with him more. Both of us going to the dance would be a great opportunity to hang out together.

       "Tempting," Reno says. He looks back at the ballot before marking off the 50's theme. For some reason even though I don't know which theme I prefer, I also mark off the 50's theme. Reno puts his ballot in the box. "I'll think about whether I want to go, but I will hold you up to the offer of hanging out together."

       "I look forward to it, then," I say. "You know, if you do go."

       Reno smiles before he walks off. I place my ballot in the box before I head back to the table I was previously sitting at. Everyone at the table just stares at me, not saying a single word nor continuing to eat their lunch. I'm about to ask why they're staring at me, but Neil asks, "What was that about?"

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