The body

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"Detective y/n, I'm sorry to bother you on your day off but is there any way you can come in, a body has been found." Constable Beckett asked on the other line, "of course Constable, just send me the details and I'll be there as soon as possible." I wasn't very happy about them calling me on my day off, but I completely understand, under the circumstances. Shortly after ending the call my phone dinged indicating a message.

Texts messages

Constable: *address*
Y/n: ETA. 10 minutes
*End of conversation*

I headed for my car before realizing I was missing my badge, I quickly rushed into my home and grabbed my jacket off the hook, that was standing next to the door. I reached into my jacket to double check for my badge, "yup, it's in the there." I said to myself as I felt a cold metal thing.

I parked a block away, knowing how bad the traffic would be, being blocked off to the public.

Arriving to the scene I noticed three police vans, a few officers standing guard at each of the barricades, that were set up a few hundred meters from each other.

I reached for my badge and showed one of the officers before introducing myself, showing some authority and professionalism, "detective y/n, I was called in." Once she allowed me to enter, I began to take in my surroundings.

I've never been down this part of town, it's nice.

I walked up to the officer who called me in, whom then directed me towards a house that was big enough to be a mansion. I entered the home, my eyes immediately falling on the blood splatted against the beige walls, multiple evidence markers covering the home.

"Here's some gloves." A tall, blonde male officer said, handing me a pair. I took my time placing them on due to my concentration on the scene in front of me, trying to figure out what could've happened.

"Do we have any witnesses?" I asked another passing officer, he just shrugged, like an idiot. "Thanks for your help, buddy." I said sarcastically empathizing the word buddy and rolling my eyes, before moving forward. The lighting helped a lot, contrasting the home well.

I came to a holt as I came across the victim, who was lying in a recovery position. Only wearing one shoe, that's weird. I kneeled down to take a closer look, noticing her smudged lipstick, shirt ripped with bruising on her neck, I ghosted my hand over her neck. Remembering the blood from early, I started to search for lacerations, before spotting a huge gash. I ghosted my hand over her stomach and slowly followed the wound to find the start and end.

The cut went from the front of her stomach up to her chest, then a large stab wound into her heart.

The indications of torture before a quick killing. "But why torture? Why not just straight to killing?" I whispered to myself, not realizing the other detective behind me, "because someone people like to see others suffer." He answered unfazed by the brutal killing that's happened. "Good to see you Detective Reid." I said, trying my best to sound sincere. "You to Detective," he stated, winking then left. God, he disgusts me.

I turned my attention back to the crime scene, still thinking of all the possibilities, what could have happened, who could be capable of such a thing. After a few more moments of observing the victim, I moved onto the front door, moving through the house, paying more attention. Trying to figure out what might have happened.

The only thing came to mind was, it's staged. There was blood in the front room, while the body was in a completely different part of the house, but no indications of the body being dragged. No blood on the floor. Nothing.

The victim was picked up and carried. But why move the body? Why go to all that trouble? Why stage it? I haven't had a case like this, in like, ever.

"Deep in thought detective?" Detective Reid asked, pulling me away from my thoughts. Thankfully. I was starting to stress myself out. "I just don't get this, I've never had a case like this." I moaned in frustration.

He pulled me by my hand, leading me outside without a word. "Here you need this more than me," he laughed handing me a steaming hot coffee and an egg and lettuce sandwich in plastic wrap. "Thank you, detective." I smiled, before heading to take a seat, over near a van that had camping chairs landed out in a straight line. "No need for all the formalities detective, you can call me Alex," he spoke before taking a seat beside me.

I nodded in acknowledgment, to busy eating to speak.

I finished up eating, then headed back towards the house. To finish. What have I missed? I walked back to where the victim was lying, before reaching the women, my eyes caught onto a bloody knife.

Sitting in the corner near a brown rocking chair, in the corner. Where did you come from? I asked my myself while bending down, hovering my hand over it. "I think I found the murder weapon!" I yelled, causing a few officers to rush in. One holding an evidence marker, placing it down next to the knife.

After a few checks, I headed towards the guy who called me in. "Excuse me, Constable, I was just wondering if there are any witnesses.... Or friends I can speak to?" I asked, hoping he's more help than that other idiot. "Actually, yes detective, you can talk to the neighbors." He answered, pointing towards a home that seemed uncomfortably close the victim's home. I nodded before leaving.

KNOCK! KNOCK! The door swung up, revealing a young but tall woman with long brunette hair. She wore short red silk pjs. "Come in, come in," she greeted, gesturing with her arm, inviting me in. Wow, her home was huge, at the entrance a welcome mat, reading 'greetings people' I began to take in everything in the home, the large glass doors leading to the back patio, family photos hung up along the white wall leading up the stairs.

"What did you need officer?" She yelled from the kitchen, meanwhile I waited in the dining room. Admiring the art work hung up above the fire place, a portrait of the women, naked, covered by a white sheet.

"Your neighbor, if you didn't already know. She was murdered." I stated, still admiring the home. "You have a beautiful home," I added, still allowing my eyes to wander more. "Yes, she was a lovely woman. It's such a sad thing, that happened. You would never think such a thing would happen here." She said, her voice sounded sophisticated and professional. "Do you happen to have anything that could help us? Did Sarah have any enemies? Did she have a falling out with anyone recently?" I asked, my eyes landing on her as she entered back into the dining room.

It took a few moments of thinking until the women spoke up again, "actually to come think of it, a few nights ago she had a fight with a Natasha. Natasha Romanoff. Her and Natasha have never seen eye to eye. I heard yelling and screaming but when I arrived at Sarah's home, Natasha was leaving, hands covered in blood. She had an evil smirk on her face," "that woman has always scared me." She trembled.

"Ok thank you Mrs..... we never did names, I'm Detective y/l/n, but you can call me y/n. And you are?" I asked raising my eye brow in question. I should have done introductions at the start, not the end.

"Mrs. Carter, but you can call me Elizabeth," "sorry to cut this short, Elizabeth, but I must be going. Thank you for your help." I said, reaching my hand out which she instantly took.

Then walking me to the front door, holding it open. Her hand held high on the door, stretched out. "Thank you again, you have helped a lot," stopping before the door and turning to look at her. "Pleasure was all mine, detective." She yelled out as I left the home. That was interesting.

I reached back at the victim's home, rushing to the leading detective in charge, Alex. To let him know what I found out. "Hey Alex, I spoke to the neighbor. She said something about a woman by the name of Natasha. Natasha Romanoff."

I noticed a confused look on his face, so I added, "a possible suspect, Elizabeth said that they were enemies. Natasha and Sarah had an argument a few nights ago, Natasha come out of Sarah's home with bloody hands," just saying that gave me goosebumps, for an unknown reason.

"If you're trying to ask for my permission to go and question this woman, you have it." He stated, keeping his eyes plastered on the laptop in front of him.

{A/n: what did you guys think? Any suggestions? And would you like longer or shorter chapters?} (Edited 22/09/2022) 

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