No self control

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Y/n's POV:
"You can borrow whatever you need, and can shower if you need," I said as I led her to my room. I picked out a pair of dark grey track pants with a black hoodie for myself.

While she went with a black graphic hoodie, completed with a pair of black cargo pants with straps. "I will just change, is it ok if I use your room to?" She asked, "of course, I'll go get dressed in the lounge room. When your finished just come out and we can go." I said, already leaving.

I got ready and then waited on the couch for her. While scrolling through movies, as I heard the door open my head shot around. Oh my, is she trying to give me a heart attack. She looks amazing. Do I tell her or will it make it awkward, fuck it.

"I'm speechless, you look amazing." I mumbled shyly, saying it loud enough for her to hear. "Thank you, are you ready?" She asked.

We headed out and I started the car. The drive wasn't long, a few short conversations here and there but other than that it was comfortable silence.

"Wait there," I said as I excited the car and made my way around to hers. Opening it for her as a small gesture. She smiled and thanked me.

We headed in, we first headed to the fruit and vegetable isle, we just stood there for about 5 minutes arguing about what color apples we should get. Of course, I won, and we got green.

We continued to shop and playfully argue about what to get. We couldn't stop laughing, I was having fun. I haven't had this much fun in, forever.

"Everyone gets down now." I heard someone yell, before gun fire followed. I immediately grabbed onto Natasha, protecting her. Shielding her with my body like my life depended on it. I lowered my voice and said "duck and be quiet. Stay here. I will be back."

I started to tip toe away before she grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back and whispered, "you're not going alone," "fine," I agreed, knowing it's safer for her to be with me. Rather than alone.

We slowly crept away, quietly as we could. Gun fire still raining with cries and screams. I kept my arms around her to shield her. Just in case.

We stopped at the end of the isle as I carefully appeared around the corner. Noticing a tall guy, in all black with a ski mask standing with a smg in his hand, held up in the air as the other stayed plastered to his side.

I am glad to know it was warning shots.

No one seems to be injured, just scared.

I thought for a moment and came up with a plan before I whispered to Natasha "stay here, I'm going to sneak around and hit him over the head."

She tried to fight me on it, but I stayed firm with the plan, I don't know why but I gently planted a kiss on her forehead and whispered "it will be ok. I promise you I'll be ok."

I walked away before she could argue, I turned around to catch a glance before I left. Who knows, it might be my last. I know I'm a detective, but I am worried right now, not for me but for her. But I got anxious when I saw she wasn't where I left her.

I looked away when I heard her calming voice, "these are innocent people." I noticed that she was standing in front of the man, trying to calm him down.

I couldn't hold back anymore; he had a gun pressed to her head. Screaming for her to sit down. She didn't look afraid. She looked calm and content.

I rushed behind him with nothing and tackled him. We wrestled for a few moments until gun fire ring in my ear. A sharp pain shot through my body.

That didn't stop me, I kept fighting him with all my strength, until I knocked the gun from his hands, punching him out cold.

Natasha helped me to my feet; I groaned in pain. Looking down at my stomach to see myself covered in blood. I was shoot. In the stomach. I looked at Natasha, her eyes glossed with worry.

My body gave in, and I collapsed to the floor, I started to spit out blood. She followed me down and grabbed me, holding me in her lap.

She put pressure on my wound as she cried and screamed, "someone, please help. She's been shot. Someone please."

Even In that moment I still admired her.

My body started ache, my eyes started to get heavy and close, the paramedics rushed to my side. Before I knew it everything went black.

Natasha's POV:

I reached out and helped y/n to her feet, within seconds I could hear her groaning in pain, I glanced down at her stomach, her shirt covered in blood. Her blood.

Before I could take everything in, she collapsed to the floor, I followed behind and held her in my lap and pleaded out for help, "someone, please help. She's been shot. Someone please."

I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore; tears ran down my eyes. Her eyes started to shut; the paramedics arrived.

I moved my body out of the way to let them work.

They hooked her up to a monitor to check her heart. Her breathing stopped as-well as her heart. They rushed to start up a defibrillator. Calling out to each other, charge, clear every few seconds.

{a/n: thoughts? Any comments? Do Yous want more of Natashas soft side or her tough act?} (Edited 22/09/2022)

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