Is it to late for us?

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Natasha's POV:

After a minute of attempting to restart her heart, it finally worked. Her heart started beating again. Her breathing slowly started to come back.

A paramedic turned to me and said "hi, we will be going to *name of hospital* you can follow us there if you like." I nodded before grabbing her car keys and heading to her car.

I followed them to the hospital, then rushed inside to the receptionist and asked "y/n, y/n y/l/n. She was just brought in, with a gunshot wound." She pointed and politely said "room 19. That way."

I entered the room; it was full of doctors and nurses. "Will she be, ok?" I asked, "we have put her in a coma, we're unsure if she will make it. She lost a lot of blood." They left, giving me time alone with her.

I pulled up the chair from the corner up to her bed and sat down. I softly broke down as I held her hand. All the wires and machines didn't help.

This is my fault, if I didn't try distracting the man, she wouldn't be in this bed. Fighting for her life.


I didn't leave her side at all, the days past. The days turned into weeks. I stayed, waiting.

I started to lose all hope. Maybe she won't ever wake up. I tried pushing my emotions down, my tears.

Emotions are for the weak, I was always taught that. Never show emotions, it will get you killed. Normally I wouldn't show emotions, nor cry.

But seeing her like this. Nothing but lifeless, with my thoughts draining my head, I couldn't hold them back. I showed emotions. I showed weakness.

I tried chocking back the sobs but couldn't, that's when I felt a warm hand on top of mine and then a familiar soft voice "it's ok, I'm ok." The tears of sadness soon turned into tears of happiness.

I jumped up, wrapping my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I'm glad you're ok, I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you." I apologized, "it's not your fault."

Her arms wrapped around me as she hugged me back tightly. I feel complete in this moment, like the piece I was missing isn't missing anymore. I feel whole.

Y/n's POV:

I hugged her back tightly. "What happened?" I asked, "you lost consciousness, you died for a bit. Once they got you back, they put you in a coma so you could heal. That was nearly a month ago," my eyes went wide in shock, a month ago, what.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, I just have to take her off all these machines." A nurse softly said, peering around the corner.

"I will go get us some lunch while she does that." Natasha offered before leaving.

The nurse made her way over to me and started taking everything off and smiled "you're lucky to have such a caring wife. She stayed by your side this whole time, didn't leave. Not once." "Oh, she's no-," I start to explain before Natasha walked in, cutting me off laughing "I think I'm the lucky one." Keeping a soft gaze on me with a sweet smile covering her face.

"Finish, if you need anything just press the button, you can leave later this afternoon." The nurse says before leaving.

Natasha walked over, holding a tray of coffee and a brown bag. "So, we are married huh? Did I miss something while I was out?" I joked; she playfully rolled her eyes as she sat down at the end of my bed.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position and took the cup she held out for me.

"Thank you, I'm glad you stayed, so when was the wedding?" I joked once again, "you took a bullet for me, so of course I was going to stay, I just wanted to go along with it. Plus, I wouldn't want her hitting on you." She laughed as she playfully barged my shoulder.

The assassin charm // reader x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now