Punishing her for the sins

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Y/n's POV: (a/n: minor smut and cringe warning)

I glanced over to Natasha as I pulled into my driveway, she was knocked out cold like I anticipated.

I went around to her door and opened it. I lifted her out and walked inside. I asked the women from earlier to grab me a chair and some ropes.

Once the women handed me the ropes I placed Natasha onto the chair, tying her wrist to the arm rest, and her ankles to the legs of the chair.

"She should be awake soon," I spoke to the women as I stood up from tying her ankles.

I waited and waited for her to wake up. Making small talk with the women, Wanda. She woke up quicker than I expected. Only took the whole night, for her to wake.

Panic washed over her face as her eyes lingered on her tied up arms."wha- wh- who is she?" She directed towards Wanda.

"I told you I'll punish you," I laughed, walking towards Wanda.

I grabbed Wanda by the waist and pulled her in, placing my lips onto hers. Kissing her for a few seconds before pulling away.

I glanced over to Natasha, anger on her face.

Her eyes clenched shut. "Baby, you need to keep your eyes open. If you don't, the punishment will be longer." I laughed.

Her eyes fluttered open, "when you said punishment, I didn't think you meant this. Whatever this is."

"I warned you to be a good girl, but you didn't listen." I smirked, I grabbed onto Wanda's waist and pulled her into another kiss.

I made sure to keep in front of Natasha. Her lips let out a small moan as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We're in the kitchen, so I picked up Wanda by her thighs and placed her onto the countertop.

Trailing kisses down her neck, stopping at her shirt. I grabbed her shirt by the hem and lifted it up and over her head. Then continued soft kisses down her body, reaching the top of her pants. I didn't stop kissing her while I unbuttoned her jeans.

Pulling them down to her ankles allowing her to kick them off fully. I lifted my head and turned to Natasha, checking if she was finally listening.

She was. Her eyes stayed open, plastered on us. Her breathing heavy.

I turned my attention back to the women in front of me. I traced my finger down her stomach and to her underwear line, hooking it on the top of them and pulling them off.

I knelt down, grabbing her legs and placing them over my shoulders.

I gripped onto her thighs, placing my head between her legs.

It didn't take long for her to finish, I removed my head from her legs and licked her off my lips.

I turned to face Natasha, her bottom lip between her teeth, biting it. Her eyes filled with nothing but jealousy, her chest rising up and down quickly with heavy breathing.

I plastered the biggest smirk on my face and stood in front of her. Crossing my arms, looking down at her, my laughter started to fill the room.

I knelt down in front of her, my hands on her upper thighs, squeezing them. "Your mine so don't forget that again, Romanoff,"

She nodded her head yes, her eyes that were once filled with jealously was taken over by lust. I let go of her thighs and untied her and told Wanda she's free to go.

Time pasted quickly. Natasha hasn't spoken to me all day; she's been ignoring me.

I'm guessing I'm on the couch tonight. My own fault. We're currently eating dinner, uncomfortable, awkward silence filling the room.

I didn't dare to talk, the fear of her yells and screams filling the room other than this silence, is real.

Soon after dinner she laid on the couch while looking through Netflix, I stayed at the counter, remained seated, staring down at the empty plate in front of me.

"You coming?" She said plainly, starring daggers through me.

I dragged myself over to the couch and sat away from her as far as I could. Not wanting to sit to close.

She moved down closer to me, her head on my lap again.

I ran my fingers through her hair and lent down to her face, pulling a strand of hair out of it, then planted a soft kiss on her check.

"I'm guessing this means you're not mad anymore?" I laughed, "Don't push it y/n," she said sternly, looking up at me.

{a/n: sorry I suck at writing smut, that's why there isn't much, but maybe in the future I'll do more, sorry for a short chapter. Didn't really prof read it either. But thoughts? And any suggestions?} (Edited 22/09/2022) 

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