The Arrest

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Y/n's POV:
Once I found the address, I parted ways from the crime scene and headed towards my car. The drive wasn't long, she only lived a few blocks away.

I rang the doorbell, Ring! Ring! Almost instantly the door swung up, like she knew I was coming. "Who are you? And what are you doing on my property?" She asked, staring me down intensely, my eyes widen in amusement as a handgun started to press against the middle of my forehead.

"Well, that was easier than I thought, I expected it to be harder to bring you in." I laughed teasingly, placing two fingers on the gun, pushing it away. Her eyes clenching shut, knowing she made a huge mistake.

"I'll let it slide for now.... If you come to the station for a few questions. It's either come with me now, or I will cuff you and put you under arrest." I stated blankly but laughing internally at my tactics. "I wouldn't mind you cuffing me officer, maybe upstairs?" She smirked, two can play her game. "I don't sleep with suspected murders." I laughed, causing her to lose her composure but quickly gain it again.

"And who am I suspected of murdering officer?" She teased, playing dumb, I see. "I'll answer your questions at the station. Are you coming willingly? Or do I have to arrest you?" I smirked, stepping closer thinking she would move back. Instead, she stood still, our faces inches from each, our hot breaths mixing.

I wasn't about to back down.

Her breath got heavier as we locked eyes for a few moments until she stepped back losing her composure once again, but she soon found it. "Fine, I'll come with you. You don't have to arrest me. But one day you will have to cuff me." She rolled her eyes playfully.

Once we arrived at the station, detective Reid spotted me and removed his body off the black mustang he was leaning on and made his way over. "Detective, it's good to see you again. I see you brought Romanoff with you. I have to say I'm surprised, I've heard things about her that made me think you weren't going to be able to get her down here. She's hot." He grinned, instantly Natasha shot back with "you know I'm standing right here, you idiot. Sorry to say but you're not my type."

I laughed at her come back, this woman has a lot up her sleeve, I must say. "She's, my type." She added, whilst looking me up and down slowly, making my breath hitch in the back of my throat.

I felt my face become hot and flustered. I turned my face to hide my blushing, but someone hooked their finger under my chin and moved my face, our face meet again, inches away from each other. Once again.

But this time both of our breathing became heavy. What am I doing, she's a suspect for murder. I decided to shove her hand away and state sternly "don't touch me like that again, or I'll arrest you."

She lost all composure and walked off towards the station. The station was made out of brick and the color that it uses to hold, was faded. I mean it was an old building. I shortly caught up to Natasha and held the door open for her to walk in. "This way." I spoke.

After gathering the information, I decided to do the interview in my normal room, room 3. "Just in here." I said, standing at the door, holding my arm out, showing her to go in.

She took her seat as I set up the cameras. A camera placed in the two back corners. Once I finished setting up, I grabbed the remote and took a seat in front of the red head.

After I pressed the record button I said, "Interview one, with Natasha Romanoff on suspicion of murder of Sarah Walker. The date today is 18th of April year of 2019" "are you ready?" I asked, fixing myself up, placing my hands on the table, interlocking them. "Hurry up, I have somewhere to be," she laughed.

"Where were you April 16th? Between the hours of 1:00am and 5:00am" I asked, earning an eye roll from her "no comment" "Were you with anyone?" I asked another question. "No comment." So, this is the game she's going to play? Two can play, I changed my tactic. "Why'd you kill her?" I questioned, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms. "I didn't kill her." She scoffed, "why would I kill someone I don't know." "That's not what I heard, you two never saw eye to eye. Why? Didn't like her? Or didn't she like you?" I asked, leaning forward once again and placing my elbows on the cold metal table. "And who did you hear that from?"

Her eyes met with mine, we held intense eye contact until I looked away and spoke up. "I can help you, tell me what we need to know, and we can make a deal? If you tell me what I want, I can get you a shorter sentence.... But if you don't. Then you should know, you will rot in jail." I said, changing tactics again, trying to break her.

She leaned forward mimicking me and placing her elbows on the table. Our breath against each other's "what about I make a deal with you?" She asked, still inches away.

"What's your proposal?" I asked, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

"I take you on a date, after this 48hour hold. I will then answer whatever you want." She laughed, then moved back in her seat and crossing her arms, acting as if she knew I would give in. "Fine. But no funny business, got it Romanoff." I laughed waving my finger in her face. "Now, I must get going. I have a date in...." I looked at my watch then added "an hour."

God, even though it's a lie, it was worth to see the look on her face. Her eyes washed over with jealously, anger. She tried holding her composure but failed terribly. She leant forward quickly, her once straightened red hair fell over her shoulders.

Her beautiful green eyes burning into me with a stare. I leant forward, our face millimeters apart again. I just laughed teasingly in her face.

"Well, that was worth it. Seeing your reaction. I must say though, jealous isn't a good look on you darling." I tormented, without waiting for a reply I got up and went to leave before hearing her shout, stopping me in my track, just at the door. Holding it opened. "Pick me up from mine in two days. Let's say. 9pm?" "That works, see you then." I replied, not looking behind me.

"Hey Alex, wait up. We have to talk." I yelled out to him, before he could open the door. "Yes detective?" He replied bitterly, his hand still on the door. "Can we talk?" I questioned, stepping closer to him. "Yes, follow me to my office."

Once I stepped in, I started to take in everything. His office was nice, large, but messy. Paperwork and files scattered across a polished wooden desk, and the floor. With a black and red gaming chair tucked into the desk. Weird combination. No judgement though.

"I can get Romanoff to talk." I said proudly, of course I was proud. He's not the only one to hear stuff, apparently, she's tough, stubborn. Doesn't talk, but I can crack her. I can make her talk. What's not to be proud about.

"Ok? Why are you telling me this?" He questioned, sitting down. Pointing towards a wooden chair on the other side of his desk, "sit."

I pulled the chair out and took a seat. Fixing my posture, and getting comfortable, before speaking "she says she will talk but on one condition." I hesitate for a moment or two before adding, "the condition is she will talk, but I have to go on a date with her after her 48-hour hold. That's the only time she will talk."

"The idea is to have a wire on me, as-well as a van outside a block or two away." I tell him my plan, "fine, but anything happens we're crashing." He reluctantly agrees, before walking me out. I head home to get ready for bed. Trying to fall asleep, but struggled

*Time skips to the morning*

{A/n: thoughts? I didn't prove read this chapter or the last. So please let me know if there are any mistakes} (edited 22/09/2022)

The assassin charm // reader x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now