Jealousy's a b*tch

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Y/ns POV:

A month has passed since she left, I haven't received a text nor a call. I've done nothing but worry.

Maybe she's never coming back. On top of that I haven't heard back from work about my suspension.

I'm still suspended, someone I care about could be dead, I nearly died. I was nearly sexually assaulted. What else is life going to throw at me.

Ever since she left the only thing on my mind is her. All day, every day she's on my mind.

Today I found myself driving to the one place that wasn't on my mind. Work. I walked into the build and straight to his office.

I didn't bother knocking, I just walked in and got straight to the point, "what is happening with my suspension? What's taking so long?"

He was stunned to see me, he stuttered out, "I- wh- we're still investigating, I will contact you when it's done."

That's all I needed, and I left, but one of the officers stopped me before I could open my car door, calling out my name.

I turned around, coming off a bit sassy. But who cares, I'm not in the mood right now. "What do you want?" I snapped, he's smiled turned into a confused frown, "I'm sorry y/n, I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me?"

I thought to myself for a moment, thinking about what I have to lose. Nothing. Natasha is probably never coming back. My job, I don't know what's happening there.

"Fine, but I choose where. Now I must get going, give me your phone, I'll give you my number," I sternly said.

he complied, giving me, his phone and I typed in my number. Handing it back and left.

I left for the road to go home. All I could think about was her. About us. How it's meant to be us against the world. Why isn't she back.

I arrived home and headed for my door. A red note caught my attention on the door. Reading 'warning, your rent is overdue. If you don't pay your rent within 2 days, you will have to find somewhere else to live.'

Great, I thought this couldn't get any worse. Due to the lack of work, I've been doing I'm broke. I will have to call my mum and ask for a loan.

I know she will say yes but I hate asking people for money, especially my own mother. She's already done so much for me.

I pulled my phone out and shot him a text. Saying, 'we can go to the bar near me tonight. 9pm. I'll meet you there' with the address.

I didn't worry for a reply and chucked my phone on the couch then went into the bathroom for a shower. Not to smell or look nice for him but because I need one.

I finished washing my body and turned the faucet off. I picked out a casual outfit and changed.

I wore the shirt Natasha wore the first night she stayed, it smelt like her. For the pants I wore black ripped jeans with a belt.

I went to the couch and picked up my phone to check the time. 8:50.

I grabbed my keys and left.

Once I arrived at the bar, I showed my ID to the bouncer, and he let me in.

I didn't bother to look for him and headed straight to the bar and order my normal. Shots. I went to down one, that was until he tapped me on the shoulder and laughed, "drinking without me?"

"Yes," I replied bluntly, without emotion.

He was taken back by my bluntness and just sat down. I don't want to be on this date, but I might as well make the most of it.


I would say we talked but I didn't, he talked, and I just zoned out. Didn't pay any attention to him. I was in my own world, thinking. About her. Again.

I started to think about why she hasn't come back and started to overthink that she didn't care about me like I cared for her.

My heart broke at the thoughts of that. I just wanted to get my mind off her.

I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it. This is my way of getting out of my head. Sex.

He grabbed my thigh under the table and slowly moved his hand up. His hand moved to the waist of my jeans and unbuckled my belt.

I didn't mind him doing this here. Considering it's secluded, not many people around and we sat in a corner with a table over us.

I doubt anyone could see us like this.

He asked me for consent, and I told him I want this.

His hand entered my pants, he's finger started to rub softly on my clit. I put my head back, trying to conceal my moaning by biting my bottom lip.

"Oh fuck," I moaned lowly, but he stopped. He took his hand out of my pants quicker then he put it in.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him, putting my head forward.

Just to see Natasha standing in front of the table glaring at me with a smirk on her face.

"You got to be kidding me," I laughed, of course she comes back at the wrong time.

"Is she tha-" before he could finish, she cut him off and smirked, "leave. Now. And if you tell anyone. I'll tell them about this, then you both will be fired. Because I'm pretty sure this. This is illegal to do in public."

I can't believe her right now; she comes back now. After all this time.

"We're leaving now!!" She said sternly. "No, I'm staying here." She must have not liked me talking back so she ripped my arm and dragged me to my car.

She demanded my keys and I complied. I rather not argue with her when she's like this.

The drive home was silent with too much tension for my liking. I didn't dare say anything, the fear of her ripping into me.

But I didn't have to say a word for it to happen, her voice echoed through the car as she yelled at me, "what is wrong with you, letting a guy do that to you. In public."

I just sat and starred out the window, taking everything, she was saying in. She has a point. We were in public.

"I'm sorry, I thought you weren't coming back. I thought it would take my mind off you." I answered honestly.

We've finally arrived home. I walked through the door and straight to my room, shutting the door behind me.

But that didn't stop her, she came into my room, and walked up to me, embracing me in a warm hug.

{a/n: thoughts?} (Edited 22/09/2022) 

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