Don't do this for me

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Y/n's POV:

My heart sank at the sight of how easily she left, after everything. "I can't do this," Natasha walked back into the room minutes later.

"What don't you understand? I told you to leave or I will call the authorities." I spat, what doesn't she understand, I don't want her in my life.

"Call them. You can't, because you know why?" She stepped closer to me. "Oh? And why is that?" I laughed while slowly standing up. I picked up my phone while she stepped closer to me.

Now standing directly in front of me. "Because, whether you like it or not your heart and body wants me. You want my hands to roam all over you. You want me." She smirked; her body now pressed against mine while my back touched the edge of the bed.

Her head titled down towards me, my eyes meeting hers. Her hands grabbed my hips and pulled me in as close as we could possibly get.

My whole body wanted her, but I knew I couldn't give in.

I have to stand my ground, put boundaries. She snatched my phone out of my hand and type in something and handed it back. "Go on, call them," she smirked, still looking down on me.

"I'm giving you one more chance, leave, or I will call and admit to them about everything, the confession to the stalking." I laughed in her face. She rolled her eyes, "you won't."

I pressed call on my phone and held it to my ear. Her smirk faded, her body stepped back, and her eyes glossed over. "I knew it," she whispered to herself.

I hung up immediately and looked up at her and questioned, "knew what?" She held her head down and shook her head. Her body turned to leave, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back.

"What did you know?" I yelled, "you would choose your job over me." she quietly said, in that moment I realized how much damage I just did to her. I could tell by her voice how much I just shattered her heart.

I just put it into a million pieces.

"I love you and I choose you, choose you over the only family I ever had, my job, my life, I left it all behind for you. I am so naïve." She whispered quietly, her head turned away from me and directed to the ground. She loves me? "What?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around her words. "I said I'm leaving," she spoke louder.

"You love me?" I asked, hot tears streaming down my face again. "It doesn't matter now; you made your choice. Goodbye Y/n."

I grabbed her by the hand again and wrapped my arms around her, embracing her into a much needed hugged. "Don't go, I choose you," I whispered into her ear.

"What?" She suddenly pulled away, "you can't. I don't want you to feel like you have to," she argued.

I grabbed her checks and pulled her into a kiss, tears streaming down both our faces.

"I love you and I choose you, fuck my job if that means you won't be in my life," I whispered while I pulled away. We laughed at my profanity.

{A/n: sorry I didn't update yesterday, I've only got this written, so I'll just post this, it's only a short chapter. What did you think. If there are errors I apologize, I won't be prof reading it until another time.} (Edited 22/09/2022)

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