Reliving the past

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Y/n's POV:
My hands gripped to the side of the sheets while I slowly woke up, groaning. Just wanting to sleep longer.

My eyes fluttered open quickly once I felt a body crash down onto my stomach, I smiled to myself, seeing her sitting on top of me.

Her hands on my shoulders shaking them, "your finally awake," she smiled. "Someone's excited," I joked.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her on top of me, showering her face with kisses. "Hey, I was bored. Okay," she pouted.

"And who's fault is that you could have woken me," I laughed jokingly.

I let my hands wander her body, tickling her. Her laughter filling the vicinity of the bedroom. The apartment even.

Her laugh is contagious, unique even. But adorable. I stopped tickling her and let my hands fall onto her legs, holding onto them.

"I'm making you dinner tonight," she said sternly, her eyebrows raising, clearly thinking I would argue. "Deal," I smiled, lifting myself up and giving her a quick but loving kiss.

Then lowered myself back to lying down. My hands remained on her thighs as we stayed in the same position for a few moments more, quietly.

"You have nothing in your house.... So, I thought we could go shopping," she smiled like a little kid begging for a Lollie.

"But I want to stay like this forever," I reciprocated the childish smile and tone. "10 more minutes, then it's up time." She tried saying with a stern tone but failed.

I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled her down onto me.

We stayed like this for the remain of the 10 minutes, her lying on-top of me, my arms wrapped around her body.

Trying to hold her as close as I can. When she's in my arms it feels like nothing else matters, like she's the only thing I need.

I held her for a few moments longer than we got up to get ready. I wore a grey hoodie, black ripped jeans with a belt. Natasha wore a loose grey shirt with a pair of camouflage cargo pants.


Her hand rested comfortably around my arm while I left the car to walk into the place, I nearly lost my life.

Her calm voiced continuously reassuring me and giving me strength to do this. We slowly shopped, everything fine until we reached the area it happened.

I felt my heart beats quicken; my breathing turned into begging for air. My throat walls felt like it was closing. My hands shaking and sweating.

I felt weak, my legs gave in, and my body dropped to the floor, my hands going at my throat, begging for air.

Her gentle touch of her hands wrapped around me, slowly calmed me. My eyes filling with tears, flash backs running through my head like a horror movie.

Moments later I calmed down, I pleaded for Natasha to take me home, I couldn't do it. I wasn't ready.

She helped me up and into the car and started driving us home. She told me she understood, and she would do shopping without me another day.

We stopped at a red light and her hand rested on my knee. Sending butterflies into my stomach and heat to my face.

I turned my face away to cover up my blushing, but she said in a low husky tone, "y/n, don't you dare hide your face from me. I love when I make you blush."

Her voice sounded attractive and held authority. Her smile turned into a devilish smile as if she had got an idea.

Her hand inched its way up my leg, now resting on my upper thigh.

Her eyes stayed plastered on the road while she drove again. Her hand still moving closer to the top of my pants.

My breath caught in my throat while she undid my belt. "Pull over," I turned my head to her and directed sternly.

She did as I said and pulled to the side. The road is deserted most of the time, so I wasn't worried about being caught.

All I want right now is her. Her hands on my body.

"What's wrong, love?" She asked, trying to keep a straight face.

"The back now." I directed again, firmly. I have no idea where the confidence came from but I'm loving it. She followed my order and hoped in the back. I followed and instantly attached my lips to hers.

All my hunger for her left. Our make out session turned heated, her hand traveled into my shirt from the bottom, playing with the hem.

Like she was nervous to make the move but wanted to. Her lips detached from mine. Her body backing away from me. Her eyes clenching shut, her head shaking.

She was acting if being with me was a mistake. My hearted shattered at the thoughts running through my head right now.

She played me. I never meant anything to her, she just used me. No no no, this can't be happening. I risked my job for her, for these feelings.

{A/n: sorry it's short, I will try make them longer. Sorry it took so long to post another one. Didn't really proofread sorry if there are mistakes. But opinions? Or suggestions?} (Edited 22/09/2022) 

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