Broken confessions

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Y/n's POV:
She pulled away from the hug, her face covered with regret, eyes filled with tears.

"I need to tell you something. You deserve to know the truth." She said, by the way she spoke I was able to tell that she's scared. Scared of something.

I grabbed her hand and held it gently. Rubbing my thumb over her soft skin. Trying to comfort her. I nodded for her to continue.

"I did it." She sighed, did what? "Did what?" I asked, unable to figure out what she's meaning. "I killed her, I killed Sarah." She cried.

"I know baby. I know." I said softly, wiping the tears that have fallen from her eyes. I pulled her in and hugged her while she cried. I've known since day one, but I don't care.

I don't care about her past.

"You knew? And you didn't leave me?" She asked, surprised. "Yes, since day one, but I don't care." I laughed.

But not the funny laugh, the laugh you feel like you have to do to make it more comfortable.

I held her close, running my fingers through her hair. Reassuring her.

"Can we watch a movie and cuddle?" She asked, I ignored her and grabbed her hand and led her to my room, giving her the remote to choose a movie.

We laid down, her head on my chest. Her arm slung over the top of my body. "Finally, took you forever," I joked while she picked the movie 'the hunger games'

I subconsciously ran my fingers through her hair. We eventually watched most of the 'hunger games' movies.

Not moving a muscle, staying in the same position the whole time, basically. I missed half the movies, because I couldn't help but admire her.

There's something about this woman that makes me go crazy for her. I need her in my life, that's how I feel. I feel like if I lost her, I wouldn't know what to do.

She's become important to me, quicker than I wanted. It's unhealthy how important she's become to me in this short time.

"I want you, only you," I whispered, trying to make sure she didn't hear me. But unfortunately, she heard me. Her body shot up; her head turned to me.

A shocked expression plastered on her face. "I'm sorry what?" She asked surprised.

"I want you, only you" I said confidently, her body collided with mine, her arms wrapped around me.

She pulled away, "have me then." I collided my lips with hers, our lips fitted perfectly together like puzzle pieces.

We kissed like no one else matter to us. Like we only needed each other. I pulled away, having a light bulb moment. "Go on a date with me. Tonight." I smiled.

"I would love that." "Go get ready, we'll leave in an hour."

She rushed to my closet that held her clothes and choose an outfit, keeping it a secret. Covering it with her body from me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and went to my closet to choose myself something while she showered.

I choose out an all-black suit. The shower turned off and she finally headed out dressed. She wore a long, black dress with a slit up the leg.

"You ready?" I asked, holding my arm out for her to take, her arm wrapped around my bicep, "yes."

I lead her to the passenger side and held the door for her. Helping her in. I gently shut the door for her and got into the driver's seat.

Trying to conceal the big smile on my face. I turned my face to her once more to tell her something I should have told her before, "you look gorgeous. Me and you against the world."

I started up the car and left, the drive wasn't long or quiet. The car filled with our conversations of little things. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I told her to wait in the car, I got out and headed to her side, holding the door open for her, helping her out. Her arms once again found its way around my bicep.

I've never been to this restaurant, it only recently opened up.


A female waiter led us to a table, her eyes lingering up and down Natasha's body. I made sure to stare daggers at her, I can't believe the audacity of this women, looking up and down Natasha like this.

Looking at her like she wanted to mount her right then and there. I did not like that one bit.

She handed us our menus after seating us and let us know she will be back to get our orders.

I thought after seating us she would back off, but she didn't, she eyed Natasha off one last time before leaving.


After small chatter and looking over the menu, we finally set our hearts on the meals we wanted. The waiter came back to take our orders, I order steak with salad meanwhile Natasha order Mac and cheese with hot sauce.

Natasha couldn't keep her eyes off the waiter while she took our order. Natasha's eyes wandered the waiter's body. The waiter finally left after taking out order.

I abruptly stood up and grabbed onto Natasha's arm and pulled her into the bathroom and into a stool.

I shut the stool door and locked it. "What ar-" Natasha started but I cut her off by grabbing her throat and pinning her against the wall.

She let out a low moan. Her breathing getting heavier.

I took some control and brushed my lips against her ear and whispered, "your mine so be a good girl and keep your eyes off her."

I let go of her throat and walked to the door but turned around and licked my lips, looking her up and down, "or I'll have to punish you."

With that said, I left and went back to the table, about 5 minutes later Natasha came back. Looking flustered, sweaty.

"Here you go," the waitress said, placing our food in front of us, her eyes glued to Natasha and Natasha's eyes glued on her.

She's kidding right, clearly, she didn't get the warning. Looks like I will have to punish her after dinner.

I pulled out my phone and texted the person I needed for this and placed my phone back into my pocket and started to eat.


We finished eating dinner and Natasha excused herself to use the rest room.

I texted the women from earlier and told her I will be outside in a moment.

I walked outside and got what I needed and told the women to meet me at my apartment.

I went back inside and slipped the tablet into her drink and waited for her to come back.

We finished our drinks and I paid for dinner, and we left. I helped her into my car and took my time to drive home, making sure she'll be out by the time I got there.

{a/n: Thoughts? What do you think the punishment will be? Last chapter for a few days, I have ideas for each chapter just have to write them.} (Edited 22/09/2022) I'm just copying and pasting from here to word and using the automatic editor thing and then copy and pasting back here so I'm unsure what happen to the photos.

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