She's mine and i'm hers

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Y/n's Pov:
After a few more days of running test, I was able to leave the hospital.

Natasha's been great through it, never left my side.

I had a few visitors here and there but the one who stood out was a guy, him and Natasha seem to have history and tension, but I ignored it once she explained he helped save my life.

I'm now just currently sitting beside Natasha on my couch with my arm draped over her shoulder, her head leaning on me as we watch Lucifer. 

Without a care in the world. But my mind won't stay off the guy, who is he? Why did he and Natasha have so much tension.

"Nat?" I whispered, in hopes she still awake. Her head lifts from my shoulders, her eyes on me, "is everything alright? Am I hurting you?" She asks concerned.

"No, I have a question." I spoke honestly.

Her head nods for me to continue.

"Who is he?" I asked, her body language shows she knows who I'm asking about, but her reply shows me she doesn't want to speak on it, "who?"

"The actor for Lucifer?" I try to play it off, not wanting to push too much. She clearly doesn't want to speak about it yet, so I'll respect that.

"I know you're asking about the guy from the hospital. The one who saved you. He's my boss... well ex-boss."

"Is he your boss's from when you were an assassin?" I asked, my eyes searching hers for an answer.

"Yes, I have a sister who is also an assassin, I haven't seen her since we were kids though. I miss her, I've done everything I could to find her but it's no use, I worry about her. Her name is Yelena. Yelena Belova." Her voice cracking as she tries to conceal her broken sobs.

Yelena? Why have I heard that name before. "I'll help you; we will find her." I offered up. She nodded, thanking me.

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close as she cried her heart out on me. My hand stroking her head and my voice reassuring her it will be ok and that we will find her. 

"Let's go," I spoke softly, kissing her head as I came up with an idea of how to find her. Her eyebrows frowned; her face confused. "We're going to look for her baby, I still have access to the police data place. We'll start there and work from there." 

I pulled my body from the couch and stuck out my hand for hers, I could feel how cold her hand once as soon as it touched mine. I slowly took my jacket off and wrapped it around her body. My hand moved hers to my mouth and kissed it and blowing on it in attempt to warm them up. Natasha followed behind as I lead her to my laptop. I flipped the top of my black dell laptop and immediately going to the data base and logging in.

"What's her full name, baby?" I asked as her arms wrapped around my waist from behind as I bent down to my desk with my eyes glued to the search bar. "Yelena Belova." she whispered. 

I began typing in the bar but stopped once I felt Natasha's lips kissing my neck softly. Her mouth sucking lightly but defiantly enough to leave a mark. Her lips moved from my neck to my left ear, biting softly before she whispered seductively in it, "how about we do this later, I have something else in mind." 

Oh god. "What is that darling? What is it that you have in mind?" I turned my body around, now facing her. Her hands slide to the desk, one hand on each of the sides of me, trapping me. My back pressed hard against the desk, trying to keep myself in control. Just to tease her. 

My face now a few centimeters away from hers. My eyes flickering between her eyes and her lips. "I want you sweetheart. I need to know what you taste like." 

That brought me over the edge because the next thing I knew we swapped positions, and her body was now pressed against the desk while my lips were on hers. I lightly bit her lip as I pulled away. My lips now on her neck, my mouth sucking on her soft skin. Making sure I leave hickeys. After a few I detached my mouth and whispered, "your mine, mine only." 

To my surprise her lips curled into a genuine smile. "I love you; you make me feel complete. I want you to be my girlfriend?" She asked, looking at me in a way she never has, her eyes softer than ever. I shook my head no with a smirk on my face. "Oh," her face went to the floor, she looked like she wanted to cry, her bright smile disappeared.

"Natasha, love, of course I will. I shook my head because you beat me to it," I lifted her chin, making her eyes look at me. Her smile reappeared, brighter than before. "I want you to meet me my family, you're an important person in my life and they always meet the important people, plus they want to meet you. They've been begging me. So? Will you accompany me to my parents this weekend?" I asked. My smile big and bright.

She nodded her head yes, her smile growing wider.

{A/N: Thoughts? suggestions? I apologies for not updating in ages, I just haven't been in the mood to write, but here you go. I hope I made you all smile, I will hopefully post a bit more. I also never realized I named two totally different characters Alex. But just ignore that, maybe one can have full name of Alexander and just be called Alex for short, but I'll fix it in a later chapter. Also, who's excited to maybe have Yelena in here? I have also properly edited all the chapters} Ps. I love you all and all of your support. I appreciate it. :) (edited: 30/9/2022)

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