an unexpected twist

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Y/n's Pov:

It's finally the weekend, we're both packing to go to visit my parents. Natasha has agreed to put off looking for her sister until were home. My idea, not hers. 

After we finished packing, she immediately wrapped her arms around me. "I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet your parents." She smiled up at me. An adorable loo on her face. Her arms unraveled from my body; I grabbed both handles of the small, black suitcases. 

"Are you ready my love?" I turned my attention to the beautiful women, her hands clasped together, her body language showing she's excited. Her smile wide while she shook her head quickly. Her red and blonde hair braided and rested over her right shoulder. Her hands reached for mine.  I raised my eyebrows amused and laughed, "my hands are full darling." 

"Not anymore. Now give me your hand." She reached for her suitcase and grabbed it from my grasp. Before interlocking our hands, her hand reached her hair and moved it from her shoulder. 


While we arrived at the airport, I opened Natasha's door and held my arm out for her to grab. Once we grabbed our luggage, we headed to security. It didn't take long to be checked. Surprisingly the airport wasn't packed like usual. Only held a few other people. We took a seat, her head instantly rested on my shoulder. The seats were made of metal. Cold and hard. Luckily, we won't have to wait too long. 

Soon while later our flight was called. The plane ride was only a few hours. The moment we arrived I began to remember the reason why I left in the first place. The reason why I haven't come back and seen my parents or anyone else. Once we walked outside, all eyes were on us. Whispers between everyone. I shut my eyes, hating this already.

"Get on with your days would you, stop standing and starring at us. Yes, I'm back," I lost my cool and yelled at everyone. They immediately scattered. We began walking to my parents, considering it wasn't far. So, I told my parents to not worry about picking us up.

The walk didn't take no longer than 10 minutes. While we arrived, I felt Nat's grip around my hand tighten. I turn to look at her and she does the same, I give her a reassuring nod. I begin to reach my hand to the door to knock before Natasha's hand pulls it back, then knocked herself. 

The door swung immediately open, "gez ma, how long you been standing there waiting?" I laughed at my mother at the door. "No way to greet your mum," she laughed while she pulled me into a hug. "I missed you." I almost started to cry. 

"This is Natasha mum." I directed my gorgeous girlfriend that stood next to me. My mother's eyes went from me to Natasha, her eyes widen. Like she's just seen a ghost, her face turning white. 

"Natalia?" My mother spoke. "That's not Natalia ma, that's Natasha." I told her, confused to as why she's calling her my wife's name. 

"Come in, come in." She directed for us to enter. "How does your mother know my name? You didn't even know it." Natasha leaned towards me and asked confused.

The moment we reached the kitchen I and Natasha sat. "Natalia? Your names Natalia?" I turned my undivided attention to her while my mother entered and joined the conversation. 

"This is a lot, but sweetie, she's your wife. Natalia." My mother spoke softly. "What's going on?" Natasha asked confused as to what's happening. 

"You don't remember anything either?" My mother asked Nat, leaning forward on her chair. "No?" She frowned her brows.

"You got married after a few years together, after your wedding you both got into an accident on the way to your honeymoon. Y/n was in a coma for a while. Once she got out, she lost any memory of you. After I told y/n about you it was too late. You were gone and we looked for you everywhere, but you disappeared." My mother explained, now in tears.

Actually, we're all in tears. 

Natashas hand raked through her hair, trying to process the information. "I'm so sorry, if I had remembered about Y/n or even had anyone to remind me about her then I wouldn't have disappeared."  

Her eyes lifted from the ground and locked with mine; both our eyes filled with tears. I weakly smiled and before I knew it Natasha was standing in front of me, her had reaching down for me to take. I took it and stood up, her arms instantly wrapping around me, her head int my chest, arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close as she sobbed into me. 

"It's ok baby, it's ok." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. Her arms let go of me as she stepped back, wiping her tears. "At least I wasn't lying when I said to that nurse that you're my wife." She laughed and now smiling slightly. I playfully rolled my eyes while shaking my head. 

"The universe is saying yous are most defiantly meant to be together," my mother laughed, staring at us in awe. 

"Your father is going to freak when he gets back from work, he always adored Natalia." My mum added. 

{a/n: thoughts? were any of you expecting that? any suggestions? after posting that last chapter I decided to write another and post it considering I have not posted in ages} (edited: 30/9/2022)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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