Date with the devil

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Y/n's POV:
I woke up, stretching my arms before reaching for my alarm clock that was blaring. Great, today is the day I have a date with the devil.

I walked up to my mirror, placing a hand on each side of the sink, my eyes fell to the floor, dreading the day to come. I'm unsure what to dread more, work or tonight.

I slowly lifted my eyes to meet my reflection in mirror, revealing baggy, bloodshot eyes from the lack of sleep.

Seeing the crime scene yesterday took an unexpected turn on me. For the worse. It hasn't happened in years.

I slowly pulled away from the sink, making my way to the shower. Turning it on hotter than normal, to wake me. After finishing my shower, I realized I forgot clothes. Of course, I did, todays not my day.

I wrapped a watermelon beach towel around my body, considering I need to do washing, meaning no towels left.

I looked through my closet for an outfit for at least 10 minutes, before my eyes settled on a pair of black slacks with a white button up shirt, completing it with my gun holster, wrapped around my waist, holding a Glock 22.

I made sure to grab my badge before leaving. Trying not to repeat yesterday events by forgetting it.

Once I arrived to work, I greeted everyone before rushing to my office to drown myself in work. In attempt to forget what's taking place tonight. For a reason I don't know, I felt nervous like I was going on a real date.

It's just for work, nothing more, and nothing less, I repeated over and over in my head.

Still trying to wrap my head around my stupid Idea. Why did I agree to this? I knew deep down why; I just wasn't ready to admit it. I prefer to keep my job.

I didn't realize the time until detective Reid came knocking, "hey, why haven't you left?" he asked, I glanced up at the clock quickly, realizing I was going to be late.

"Shit," I mumbled under my breath, before dashing to the door and then to my car, forcing the key in quicker and harder than I anticipated. "Fuck." I groaned.

I may have sped to get there, but that's beside the point.

I sped to door, quickly knocking. Once again, I was meet with a gun to my head, this woman needs to be more careful. She will end up pulling a gun on the wrong person, or an officer not as nice as me.

I laughed at the events, "is it just me or is this deja vu." Her eyes went from soft to angry within seconds of seeing me. "Your late." She said sternly, her eyes burning into me once again. I'm feeling a bit intimidated, if I'm being honest.

"You look like you want to kill me," I laughed uncomfortable. "I'm not going to kill you, you can relax," I couldn't help but feel like she wasn't telling the truth.

"Where are we going?" I asked, hoping to change the subject. "You will see, I'm driving." She said her voice holding authority. I didn't want to cross her, so I gave up my keys and followed her to my car.

She rushed ahead of me and opened the passenger door. "Milady." "Thank you" I laughed in amusement, shortly after she joined me in the car on the driver's side.

It felt like forever to get there, we made small talk on the way there. Upon arrival I texted the guys to let them know where I was, for them to come in the van.

My heart fluttered at the second small gesture; she held the door open for me as we entered. We were served by a young beautiful blonde woman who led us to our table.

She kept her eyes on me while she left, leaving us to look over the menu.

I couldn't help but notice the hint of jealous in Natasha eyes as she peered at me from the corner of her eye while pretending to look at the menu.

The assassin charm // reader x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now