Us against the world baby

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*The next morning*

Y/n's POV:
I woke up to a faint sound of music and singing, I woke up fully and made my way to the kitchen to find Natasha dancing around while singing and cooking breakfast again.

"Morning my love," she smiled, "I'm making breakfast for us. I hope you don't mind." "I could get use to this," I laughed, I stood behind her as she flipped the eggs.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and swayed with her to the music. She turned her body around to face me and held me close, her hands on my body while we swayed to the faint music.

She seemed to have so much energy, I'm not complaining though. "How about we stay in, watch movies and eat takeaway," I suggested, our bodies still pressed against each other's.

She nodded in agreement before turning her attention back to the eggs. I moved off her and sat down.

She plated up breakfast and sat in her usual spot, next to me. We ate in silence but was broken by her "I enjoy staying here," "I enjoy having you here."

Halfway through breakfast her phone unexpectedly rang, she took the call outside.

I waited for her to finish; I noticed her mood was off as soon as she entered back into the apartment. Her whole-body language changed.

"I have to go; I will be back soon." She plainly said, gathering her coat and keys.

Once she left, I quickly grabbed my laptop and started tracking her phone, I know I shouldn't but I'm worried so that's what I did.

I tracked her. I synced it with my phone and grabbed my coat and keys and left.

I followed her for a while until she stopped at a warehouse.

I kept my distance and parked where she wouldn't be able to see me, but I was able to see her. I kept my eyes on her until she disappeared into the building. The building was faded and abandoned.

"What are you doing Natasha?" I whispered to myself. I stayed, waited. Not moving. Well, that was until I heard gun shots from inside.

I grabbed my gun from the passenger seat and left my car.

I snuck in and followed the sound of the fire. I came to a holt, seeing Natasha fighting a guy.

Her body on his head, her legs wrapped around his neck, elbowing him in the head until he lost balance and dropped to the floor.

I stood behind a wall, peering around the corner. Watching her fight. It was impressive, she did moves I've never seen before.

Gun fire started again; she held no gun, but the enemies did. I opened fire on all the guys and shot them in the head. Killing them. Maybe not the smartest idea but they could've killed her.

"What are you doing here y/n, you're going to get yourself killed. You need to leave," Natasha yelled once she spotted me.

"Me!! You, you're going to get yourself killed. I'm not leaving you here by yourself. You either come with me or I'm staying." I stated sternly.

She jogged over to me and pulled me in tightly and whispered in a questioning tone, "me and you against the world?"

I held her as close as possible and whispered in her ear, "us against the world baby." "But we are most definitely talking about this when we get home." I laughed, letting her go.

A group of guys came out of nowhere, with guns and started to shoot in our direction.

I grabbed onto Natasha, shielding her with my body and pulled her behind the wall.

The assassin charm // reader x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now