Is this real?

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Y/n's POV: (Tw sa)

I've calmed down now so I called an Uber and headed home. Expecting Natasha to be waiting but I set foot into my apartment excited until I noticed she wasn't there.

My smiled faded.

I rushed to my room. All her things were gone. My heart sunk in my chest. She's gone. She left. Just like that. Like I meant nothing.


The days turned into weeks. Still no sign of her, no contact. I'm still suspended so I don't know what's going on with her case.

The past weeks consisted of partying, getting drug and high. Occasionally one-night stands.

Tonight, I decided to go drinking again at the local bar around the corner. I just finished getting ready and started to head to the bar.

I showed the bouncer my ID and headed inside, straight to the bar. Scanning the room for someone to talk to.

I ordered a sex on the beach, one after the other. I've had about 3 now and I'm a bit tipsy.

I order 3 shots and downed them quickly and drunkly headed to the dance floor to the red head women I spotted earlier.

But I was stop halfway there buy a muscle man who has been eyeing me all night. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him and whispered in my ear, "how about I buy you a drink? Then we can dance?"

I wasn't about to turn down a free drink, so I agreed to the drink. "Just the drink."

After the drink he pulled me by the hand, onto the dance floor and started to dance closely to me, I could feel him get hard. That's how close he is to me. I started to get more uncomfortable by the second.

I pushed him off me and turned around and told him I was getting some air. I told him I didn't want to dance with him.

I headed outside but he followed. He grabbed me by the hand, I tried, I tried to wriggle out of his grip. But it was tight. I couldn't. He got in my face and drunkenly slurred, "where do you think you're going? I just want to dance."

I feel weak right now. I couldn't say anything, I couldn't move. I froze. I was feeling weak because in this moment right now, I was. I was weak.

I don't have to be strong to be brave. I got the courage to sternly say, "I said no, get off me, I'm leaving."

He ignored me, he didn't take the answer no. He grabbed me tightly around my waist with one hand and pushed me up against a wall. Covering my mouth with the other hand.

He took his hand off my waist and started to unbuckle his pants. I couldn't bring myself to do anything.

He ripped my pants down and as he was about to do something I felt his body being pulled off mine. I quickly pulled my pants up.

I didn't worry about what was going on, I allowed myself to break down right then. My body slid down the wall, my hands on my face as I cried my heart out.

After what seemed like forever of crying, I stopped when I felt familiar arms wrap around me and pull me in.

I looked up at her and smiled, "you came back." "I came back."

After 10 minutes of siting and her supporting me, she helped me get up. Considering I'm still very much drunk. She drove me home and helped me into bed and started to leave but I grabbed her hand and asked "please, stay. I don't want to be alone."

She sweetly nodded and laid down.

I moved closer and turned to my side and put my head on her chest, my leg over her body and in between her legs as my arm wrapped around her stomach.


I woke up in the morning, my head pounding, I couldn't remember anything from last night. I don't even remember how I got home.

I got up out of bed and went into the kitchen. I was startled to see Natasha in my kitchen dancing around, in song.

I didn't worry about why or how she got here, I just allowed my eyes to wander her body and admire her in every way.

"You look beautiful," I laughed, seeing her jump was worth it. "I'm cooking us breakfast. So, sit." She directed.

I complied and took a sat at the counter and watched her plate breakfast.

"What happened last night? Why are you here?...... oh my god, I didn't sleep with you, did I?" I asked while she took a seat next to me.

"You were pretty drunk, and a guy tried something you didn't like, I stepped in and stopped him. We did sleep together but not in that way. I put you to bed and you asked me to stay." She said not lifting her eyes of her food as she ate.

We finished up eating, she explained how she thought it would be best if she kept her distance, I agreed.

She told me about how she watched over me. To keep me safe but last night she had to step in.

I saw where she was coming from, so I stayed calm. "I want you to stay, like with me." I blurted out, I want to wake up to this every day, to her.

"I want to stay," she whispered sweetly. "So, what do you want to do today?" I asked. She recommended "let's go to the amusement park."

I hate amusement parks. I hate the rides. I hate everything about it but for some reason I agreed because that's what my heart wanted to do.

After getting ready we headed to the car. I chucked the keys to Natasha and told her to drive. I didn't feel like driving and plus I didn't know where it was. I've never really been.


Once we arrived Natasha ordered me to stay in the car. She came to my side opening the door for me, placing her hand out for me to take.

Small gesture always makes my heart flutter.

I grabbed her hand, our fingers interlocking as we walked inside.

(Tw panic attack)

The day pasted quickly; Natasha suggested one last ride, so I agreed. The ride was high, highest one here. I would be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. Because I was, very afraid. I hate heights with a passion.

We reached the highest point in the roller coaster, but unexpectedly it stopped. We were stuck.

My hands became sweaty, my breathing and heart rate became rapid. My throat felt like it was closing, my hands shaking violating.

I clenched my eyes shut in an attempt to think of anything happy. But that failed, my panic attack in-testified.

I heard a faint voice, Natasha's voice. Reassuring me as she held my hand. Telling me it's ok, that she's here and I'm safe.

It helped me calm a little. Next thing I knew she pulled me in and kissed me, I calmed down.

"Thank you," I smiled. "I didn't know what to do."

"Oh, I see, so you thought to kiss me?" I teased; she just playfully punched my arm.

It took them 5 hours to get us down, 5 God damn hours.


"I'm never doing that again." I laughed, jumping on the couch. I picked up the remote and asked her what she wanted to watch.

We playfully argued for like 10 minutes about what to watch but ended up deciding on finishing 'lucifer'

My heart swarmed with butterflies once she came closer and laid down with her head on my lap. Facing the tv, I ran my fingers through her hair.

We stayed like this episode after episode.

I turned the tv off once I realized she was no longer awake. I carefully picked her up and made my way to the bedroom.

I gently put her down and tucked her in and went to leave to stay on the couch. But she grabbed my wrist and pulled me down next to her and cuddled into me. "Stay," she mumbles, her eyes still closed shut.

{a/n: thought? And are the chapters to long or to short or are they the right length?} (Edited 22/09/2022)

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