Maybe its time

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Y/n's POV:
*Next morning*

My head was pounding while I woke up and stretched. I have no idea what I'm going to do today.

Probably go out to a club again, pick up someone. Sounds like a great idea. It's already 5:00pm in the afternoon, so may as-well get ready to leave soon.

Honestly had the worse sleep ever. I would sleep for like an hour, wake up and not be able to sleep for another few hours. So, in total I think I only slept 6 hours, which is more than enough.

I wore black cargo pants and a grey shirt.

I arrived to the club and was let in immediately because everyone here knows me. That's quite embarrassing to say considering I'm a detective.

I stumbled past people and up to the bar, my eyes set on a beautiful blonde at the counter. "I'll just have 2 shots and get her whatever she's drinking. It's on me," I directed towards the blonde who's with her friends, laughing and talking.

A few moments later the blonde approached me. "Hey, did you order me this?" She asked while holding up her drink.

"I don't know, depends. Am I in trouble?" I smirked. Without another word she pulled me by the hand and onto the dance floor. Her body swayed with mine before she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I pulled her in by the waist and placed my lips on to hers.

She tasted sweet, but bitter to, in a way.

I pulled away and out of breath. I wanted to take her then and there, "do you wanna come back to mine? Or is the car, okay?" I said, in hopes she said the car.

And lucky for me she did. I showed her to my car and held the door open for her to enter the back.

I followed behind and shut the door. Our lips instantly connected while her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me down on top of her more.

We pulled away to breathe. That's when our eyes met, they danced with one another's. That's when I realized I couldn't go through with it.

My heart yarns for her, for Natasha. She might not feel the same, but I then realized what I was doing to get rid of the nightmare of her was unhealthy.

No... everyone might think I would think that, but I don't. She's nowhere near a nightmare.

But before I could say or do anything my car door opened and I was ripped out of my car.

"What the fuck," I swore under my breath. My eyes meet with a woman, oh shit, probably the girlfriend.

"Get off my girlfriend," she spoke. Called it. Fucking knew it. Well, if it's a fight she's looking for, then that's what I will give her.

Her hand collided with my face. "Fucking bitch. Your weak," I laughed and spat the blood out of my mouth. Placing my hands up, ready to fight.

"What did you just say," she spoke, trying to be dominate. Gosh, I hate people like that. Before I could react, her hand tried to come in contract with my face, but I dodged and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me and tripping her.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart. Did I trip you? Would you like help up?" I smirked, holding my hand out.

"Oh, you think you funny," she raised her eyebrows. "Of course, I do, can't you see, your girlfriend is even laughing." I smirked and pointed in the direction of the laughing women who I was just on top of.

"Hey, keep me out of this." She laughed, putting her hands up sarcastically.

I turned back to see her hand, once again coming for me. But I moved and tripped her again. "Your just gonna beat yourself up if you keep swinging," I winked.

"I know I said keep me out of this but Kayla, she has a point. Imagine having to explain to people why you look even worse than normal." The women butted in.

"She's got a point. Kayla." I pointed towards the women, who's name I still haven't got. "Hey, I forgot to get your name." "It's Bridget, and you?" She asked.

"It's y/n." And of course, as I was talking Kayla swung at me again. She's gotta stop doing that.

I moved and just walked away, I draped my arm around the women from earlier and walked her to my car and opened the passenger side for her.

"No arguing. I'm taking you home. I don't trust that women," I told Bridget. She didn't argue and just complied.

I might be in a bad place at the moment, but I'm not a bad person. I will not let another woman stay alone with another women who clearly has a temper.

I started driving and turned my head towards Bridget who was fidgeting with her fingers.

"I know she's your girlfriend and all, but I didn't want to leave you there with someone like her," I spoke sincerely, her lips curved into a smile.

"I know, but she's not my girlfriend. She's my ex, crazy ex might I add." She laughed.

"We could go back to yours if the offers still opened," she shyly spoke, still fidgeting with her fingers.

I have to admit she's adorable. Maybe this is my chance to move on from Natasha, forget about her. Live my life.

"Your cute when you're nervous. I don't know how to say this...." I said, not finishing my sentence to tease her.

"Oh god, I've blown it haven't I?" She placed her head into the palm of her hands.

"I want to take you on a date." I asked. Now I was the one who was nervous. My heart was racing against my chest.

I turned my head to see her reaction. Her face lit up; her smile grew even bigger than before.

"Yess.... I mean um, sure, why not." She said eagerly then tried to play it off.

"Where do you want to go? it's only early so everything should still be opened," I asked.

"You wanna go on a date now?" She was taken back by the response. I turned to face her once more and nodded.

{a/n I haven't posted in nearly a month, so here's a short chapter, I brought a laptop so once it gets here, I will probably post a lot more because writing on a laptop just hits different 🤣. But what do you think? Didn't really prove read} (Edited 22/09/2022)

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