This can't be the end

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Y/n's POV:

"You wanna go on a date now?" She was taken back by the response. I turned to face her once more and nodded.

"Yes, but I can drop you home if you're not ready." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I- uh- no, I want to go on a date." She stuttered.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked again. For the first time since I meet Natasha, she's not the one on my mind.

I really believe I can move on. Well, I hope.

She told me to pick so I did. I decided to take her to a nice restaurant, just outside of town. Amazing food, the vibe is golden.

I nodded my head and headed to the place I was planning on taking her.

We finally arrive to the restaurant, "wait here," I told her before opening my door and leaving. I slowly opened her side and held my arm out for her to take. I plan on doing this the right way. She seems like a nice girl, but only time will tell.

The date wasn't the best but definitely wasn't the worse. We had nothing in common, but that won't stop me from being friends up with her.

I need to forget about that women who shall not be named.

"I am just going to put it out there, we have nothing in common, one of us had to say it," she breaks the silence as we arrived back to the car. "Oh, thank god, I am glad you feel the same,' I awkwardly chuckled. "But I do feel like we would make great friends, if you're up to it." I quickly added before she had a chance to speak.

She only nodded in agreement and got into my car.

Her head stayed down and her eyes on her phone as we drove, I would occasionally glance at her to check in. Considering how quite she is compared to before. "Tell me if this isn't my place, but is everything ok? You've been awfully quiet." I casually asked, turning my head to face her.

Giving her my undivided attention.

That was a mistake.

BANG! A car came flying into the side of mine after I mistakenly ran a red light. My head abruptly crashed hard into the wheel.

My eyes grew heavier by the second.

Memories of Natasha flashed. When we first meet. Our first kiss. To the moment she broke my heart and took it with her.

I don't know how long I was out but the moment I woke up I felt my head throbbing. I didn't let that stop me from searching for the women. Luckily, she was still in the passage side, awake and functional.

I shifted between being fully awake and to unconscious. I could hear the faint sounds of the sirens.

"Y/n, stay with me, this can't be it." I heard a familiar voice in the distant, crying out to me.

I let myself close my eyes; I couldn't handle keeping my eyes opened.

Natasha's POV: *back at the club earlier*

I watched Y/n kick that women's butt and leave with another. I knew it was for the best, but I still couldn't help but feel a certain way. Like I just lost a part of me. A big part.

I didn't know what it felt like to be important to someone. Then I meet her, she taught me what it felt like, but I ruined it.

I led her to believe she meant nothing to me, but truthfully, she meant everything to me. More than anything. But I couldn't stick around and watch her choice her job over me, let's be real, we would have never worked. She loves her job; her job is her life. Not me.

But you could be her life? No, I can't. I kept fighting the thoughts inside of me, trying to come to terms of the truth. The truth that in the end we would have not worked out.

I know I sound like a stalker, but I followed her car from a distance, I just need to make sure she's okay.

I followed, and I followed until they finally reached a restaurant. Shit, Y/n, I never took you as a woman to take someone out after sex, well attempted sex.

I'm a trained assassins so it's quite easy to blend it, it was my job for years. I was trained since a young age.

I know everything there is. I followed them into the lovely place and sat close but not to close.

Close enough to hear but not close enough to be spotted or recognized.

They talk, they clearly had nothing in common, the date finally ended, and Y/n got the check and they left. Me being me I followed; I stayed a healthy distance to overhear the woman tell Y/n they had nothing in common before entering the car.

I continued to stalk, well I wouldn't call it stalking, just watching over. Like last time.

I am doing this to protect her, to keep her safe. From creeps, like the last guy.

Thoughts invaded my head as I drove and kept an eye on her.

How our lives would have been if I stayed, and she did choose me. How her meeting my parents would have gone, or if her parents would like me. I heard loud noises that pulled me out of my trance, my eyes adjusted to the road.

Just to see Y/n's car flipped, I slammed on my breaks instantly and rushed out of the car quickly, wasting no time. God, Y/n, what did you do. Don't you dare be gone on me.

Entering the driver's side door, I peered in to see Y/n going in and out of conscious.

"Call the ambulance, someone please. I can't lose her," I cried out for help, people started pulling out their phones and holding it to their ear.

"Y/n, stay with me, this can't be it." I cried my heart out. "The nearest one is half an hour to an hour out," someone came close and told me, covering their phone.

FUCK. FUCK, Y/n, I'm not letting you go like this.

{A/n: I think I might start updating once a week, the same day each week, I will post all the chapters I have written for that week if you get what I mean, anyways what did you guys think? I kinda prove read it so if there's any mistakes let me know.} (Edited 22/09/2022)

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