Her beauty is something else

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Y/n's POV:
*The next day*

I was relaxing at home, enjoying my day off. That was until I received the call I was expecting.

He called me in for a so called 'chat' but I knew what this is really about.

The kiss. I sluggishly grabbed my keys of my granite countertop. I made my way to the door. Dreading the conversation to come. Why did I have to kiss her.

I walked into his office, this time his paperwork was nicely stacked on the corner of his desk.

He's hand gestured towards the same chair I sat in, not so long ago, "Sit, I assume you know why your here." He said sternly.

I didn't fight. I just complied to his instructions and pulled out the chair and sat, I placed my left leg over my right, attempting to look lady like. I interlocked my hands and placed them on top of my legs. I attempted to look professional but I think doing this made it look less professional then normal. But oh well.

"Yes, I did it purely for the investigation. I do now see I shouldn't have, I took it too far. I thought if I took things to the next level, she would drop her guard and confess. I apologize for my ignorance. I do accept whatever punishment you have for me. It won't happen again," I stated clearly and professionally.

"I do understand where you're coming from. As for your punishment, you will be working from home on this investigation, indefinitely. Your free to go." He said, holding his authority.

I unfolded my legs and stood up, pushing the chair from behind me out.

Before I left, he added "oh and y/n. We might not have had enough information for an arrest but you did gather some intel and for that, good job. Now go. Stay safe." I've never heard him sound so friendly, he's always rude and bothers me. Today he didn't. He seemed, I don't know, different?

I left the building and headed to my car and drove home. Honestly, was expecting more of a punishment.


Days turned into weeks, even after my punishment I decided to continue my work from home. Working on the investigation.

But today I decided to go into work. I managed to pull enough evidence to interview Romanoff again. But not arrest her. Just an interview.

Some reason I was ecstatic to finally see her, I haven't heard from her since that night.

Even though, I knew it was a mind game to her, I couldn't help but feel happy to see her, for her teasing. I got used to it rather quickly on our so called 'date'.

I was lost in thought that was shortly cut off by frantic knocking. I slowly stood up and made my way to the door, confused. Who could that be? I wasn't expecting anyone?

I opened the door to an out of breath Natasha, who barged past me into my apartment.

I shut the door gently and tuned round. I lowered my gaze up and down her body, stopping on her hands. Why are her hands covered in blood? What did she do?

I pushed the thoughts aside and pulled her into a warm hug, clearly need because she immediately reciprocated.

Wrapping her bloody hands around my waist, burying her head into my chest. Crying her whole heart out. I patted her head, gently kissing the top of it. I softly spoke, "it's ok, I'm here." "Your safe."

I stood there allowing her to cry on me, once in a while I would reassure her it's ok and she's safe.

I knew I should have called it in, or at least ask her about the blood, but I ignored it and comforted her. She needed it.

The assassin charm // reader x Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now