Just hold on

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Natasha's POV:

It felt like my in heart shattered, hearing how long it will take for help. I can't let her die. FUCK IT.

I'll carry her to the hospital, hell, I'll even run if I have to. If that's what I have to do to save her. "Okay, listen up. Someone strong and able to walk far, pick up the other women. Be careful. We will take them ourselves; it will be quicker." I voiced, but all I received was looks, people looked at me like I'm crazy, and you know what I couldn't care less.

"I said who will help me?" I grew frustrated. "I will, I will take her, just lead the way captain," someone finally spoke up. But once I looked up to see the person who was willing to help, I froze.

"Grab her and follow me, careful. I mean it," I spoke plainly and firmly. Not in the mood to argue with him. Because knowing him he will start a fight, no matter the situation.

I slowly and gently placed my arms underneath her body, picking her up while supporting her neck.

We walked quickly but cautiously. "Just hold on my little detective. You just got your job back," I repeatedly whispered to her.

"Natasha? Is... is that you?" she stuttered. I placed a soft kiss onto her head as we walked into the hospital, "it is me." Took quicker to walk here by ten minutes. "We need help, they were in a car accident," I yelled, catching the attention of everyone.

Soon enough nurses and doctors come to the rescue, with beds and medical supplies.

"Her name is Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n, she was in and out of curiousness after the accident. The car flipped." I told the nurse while I placed Y/n's body onto the bed provided.

"And her, I don't know her name. She was okay at first but ended up out cold and hasn't woken up since. I made sure he kept monitoring her breathing while we carried them." I point towards the unknown girl that was being put onto a different bed.

"You guys will have to wait here for now. But I promise to update yous and let you know when they can be visited," the nurse that was with the unknown girl informed us.

"Natalia, we need to talk." He just had to go open his mouth right now. Right fucking now. Of all times. I just lost it, "NO, ALEX, YOU FUCKING DON'T GET TO SHOW UP OUT OF NOWHERE AND DEMAND WE TALK. GET OUT OF MY FACE BEFORE I KILL YOU," I spat. I meant every, god, damn, word of that statement.

I don't have the patience for his little mind games.

Tears threatened my eyes, but I won't allow him to see. He backed up and out of my face, surprisingly. I couldn't be near him anymore so I simply stated, "you need to leave, we will talk when I'm ready."

He nodded in understanding, he walked away and left. I dropped to my knees and covered my face with my hands and let everything out. I can't and don't want to be like this. So weak.

"Who brought in Y/n Y/l/n?" A nurse called out as I stayed on my knees in the waiting room. I wiped my tears and stood up, brushing off my knees. Trying to keep a strong front in front of her. "I did." I replied and made my way up to the female nurse.

"She's one lucky woman, having a wife willing to walk that far with her in her arms and to have someone who cares and loves her as much as you do." She spoke, her voice laced with sincerity. I stood there, silently, not knowing what to say. I shifted awkwardly in my place. She quickly changed the subject and spoke again, "she will be ok, she can have visitors now. I will show you to her room, just follow me."

I hesitated, I didn't know whether or not to see her or leave, without a word. I ended up following her, slowly making my way to her room. Trying to avoid the awkward talk.

The nurse pointed towards the door we stood in front of. I nodded my head in a thank you, with a sweet smile. I waited, thought about going in, or even leaving.

But I choose to face her. My heart wanted to go in, but my legs wouldn't move. I need to go in, even if she yells and screams at me, which, knowing her, she will yell. And a lot, at me. "Seriously Natasha, you just gonna stand out there or come in," well there goes my chance to change my mind.

That was all I needed to move, permission. An invitation. Here goes nothing, I took a deep breath and walked through the already opened door.

"Hey, Y/n," I smiled awkwardly and made my way over to the side of her bed.

Y/n's POV:

Natasha finally came in after calling out to her. I hope she knows this doesn't mean I forgive her. I'm just not mad at her anymore, she told me the truth, that's all that matters. She awkwardly smiled, "hey, Y/n." While she made her way to the left side of my bed.

"I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. Got it," I glared at her. Okay, maybe I'm still mad but you can't blame me. Her smile faded and tears already began to threaten my eyes. I blinked them away and continued.

"Stop following me, I am thankful that you carried me and my friend here, but you need to leave me alone. You're the one who ended things, so you don't get to show up and play the hero every time I am in trouble. I can handle myself. I don't need you. If you continue to follow me, I will have you arrested for stalking. Do you hear me?" my voiced cracked while tears streamed down my face.

And to my surprise her eyes were filled with tears, she tried to turn her face to hide the broken expression on it. I cried harder at the sight.

"I understand." She chocked out, with that said she turned around and left without another word.

{A/n: any comments? thoughts? I don't know why but I cried writing that last bit. Did you like reading Natasha's POV, and who do you think the guy is? Sorry it took so long to update today. Didn't really prof read; I will probably properly do it once it's finished} (edited 22/09/2022)

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