chapter 4 | 5 years ago

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5 years ago • Pretoria

She scoops two more scoops of ice cream from her bowl and into her mouth. The icecream is finished at this point but she still tries to scrape more ice cream from the bowl, as soon as she Is done trying to scoop up what's left, she puts the bowl on top of her belly and she looks at me. Eyes and all.

"Bear can you please go and buy me more ice cream ?" She asks while she stares at me, with those daunting eyes, but tonight I'm not giving in again.

"Nev it's two in the morning, that was your fourth bowl tonight I don't want my baby to have frost bites, come on let's get back to sleep" I say as I try to convince her to get back to bed, I've had the longest day today, running in between theatre rooms and in between hospital beds,  today had to be my worst.

Apparently there was a long distance travel bus coming in from Durban that got involved In a head on collision. There was almost 25 wounded and altleast 10 casualties. Luckily when the patients arrived we had everything already preped up to defuse the situation, 12 hours later I was back home ready to relax after the crazy day I've had.

"She won't have frost bites I promise you" she say as she giggles. She moves from her seat , scoots closer to my seat,straddles me and she cups my face and she looks me in my eyes,
"Bear can you please get us more ice cream please"
"Nev please don't do that" I say as I pull away from her eyes and she giggles some more.

she knows that if she wants something, all she has to do is stare into my eyes and I cave, but today none of that is happening, I have to play the bad cop for once. She keeps pleading but I still say no, she doesn't take it serious for a while, she then realizes that I'm bieng serious.

Tears start forming In her eyes.
"Bear please, I promise you it's going to be my last bowl and I'm going back to sleep" she tries to convince me.

Its world War two in here but outside, it's a USSR frontier, I won't waver.
She starts sniffing and her tears start falling this time, she better give birth soon because I'm tired of the crying at this point. She cries for everything, and if I have to be honest I hate seeing her cry, but right now, I know for sure that her tears are induced by her hormones.


"Bear you know it's not me its the baby you know" she says

"Okay promise me if we get this ice cream your letting me sleep when we get back?"-me
"Okay I promise" she replies with some so much excitement.
She tries to get up from me but she struggles. I help her get up and she waddles to our bedroom, to go and slip on her shoes.

Ever since she started showing a lot of things started surfacing as well, the crying, the cravings, the eating on gear 180, just to name few. She's close to giving birth, she looks ready to pop any minute now. Although she still has a month to go.

She waddles back, and flicks her hands at me for me to take them flashing that gorgeous smile of hers. I get up, take my keys and we head out.
The drive to the nearest garage is 5minutes.
As soon as I park the car she jumps out of the car and she walks to the store.

10 minutes later she comes back carrying 2 cartons of ice cream, I bet they both hers Im not getting any. She looks so excited, the way she is walking you can definitely tell that she is excited to devour. She gets in the passenger seat with the most biggest smile, she pulls out a spoon from her pocket and starts eating.

"Where did you get a spoon ?" I ask her, while she indulges in her ice cream...
"Home" she replies, while she stares at me.
I won't lie this is too cute, but it's the eyes the really, those eyes are honestly my weakness.

"Just bare with me Bear it's only for a few months" she says ,
Her smile starts to form, revealing her dimples. She reaches behind my head and brushes it with her thumb. Although this whole experience is exhausting, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"I love you" I sofly say to her
"I love you too Bear" she whispers
Seven years with this women and 8 months of the constant running around of weird cravings. I'm glad I'm here with her.

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