Chapter 29 | First kicks

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I knock on the door for the third time now, and she still hasn't responded.

I hear some shuffling behind the door before she comes and opens up for me and a surprised look displays across her whole face.

"Hey, what are you doing here ?"
She asks as she holds the door.

She's with that nut case Michelle, who's sprawled out on the couch.

I walk in and I stand just a few meters away from the door and she follows me.

"I'm going to need to you to pack a bag, I'll explain in the car"

"You can't just expect me uproot my life and leave with you lunga"

She says, as she stands short in front of me.

"Neveah, I'm only here because pelo asked me and quiet frankly I couldn't care less if you came, I could just tell her that you didn't want to come with and you know just how much she cares about you and you know how I feel, so you just have to take her word. The ball is in your court. You'll find me in my car"

I say and I start to walk out and I make my way back to my car.

Thirty minutes later she comes out with Michelle and she's holding her duffle bag for her. I get out of the car and I meet them at the back of my car.

Michelle comes to stand infront of me, so as neveah.

"Please tell pelo that I'm really sorry"

I nod my head at her and I don't say anything. I take neveahs bag and I put it in the back seat and I make my way to the drivers seat.

I watch them hug each other and talk for a bit before she makes her way to the passenger seat and she buckles herself in.

"You good to go ?"
Ask her and she nods her head in response.

I start the car and i start to drive back to the safe house.

She's quiet in the passenger seat, just watching the road ahead with her hand under her chin. She's pulled the sleeve of her cardigan into her palm with a messy bun ontop of her head. All her features are exposed, and she looks so much like Mel right now.

"Where are we going?"
She asks as she turns her head and she looks at me.

"A safe house"
I say as I make a turn.

"Why do we need to go to a safe house ?"

"I can't really tell you but, just know that it's for your own protection"
I tell her and she just nods and she looks ahead again.

"Michelle is a really good person you know, she just has a lot of demons that she's had to deal with."

"Look I couldn't care less about Michelle"
I say while staring at the road ahead of me.

She nods her head and she keeps quiet until we get back to the house.

Lorna runs into her arms as soon as she sees her and they squeeze each other while they erupt into giggles and Mel follows behind and she hugs neveahs legs. She pulls her up into her arms and they hug.

Pelo is standing in the distance watching this whole scene with a slight smile on her face. With her hands behind her waist.

They take her bag and they go upstairs with Mel.

Her eyes start get glassy as I approach her and her lips are pouted, she's about to cry.

"What's wrong?"
I ask as I hold both her cheeks in my palms , she looks down, before I make her look directly at me again.


"No luh I'm okay, it's just seeing Mel get so comfortable with nev, it's making me happy you know, but at the same time it's like she doesn't need me anymore."

"No, you'll always be Melanie's mother sthandwa sam"

"I know, but I also think it's the hormones you know"
She says as she looks at me again before she wraps her arms around me and her bulging belly pokes me.

I start to laugh and she does too.

I feel a slight nudge in between us and I look down at our stomachs.

She moves her hands around her belly and she starts to giggle. I put my hand on her stomach and the baby kicks again and she giggles again.

She's looks at me with those beautiful big eyes of hers while she smiles.

I kneel down on my one knee and I pull her T-shirt up and I start to kiss her belly. She caresses my head while I hold her waist.

"Ey ey ey cut it out you two

Sizwe says as he approaches us. I get up from my knee and I face him.

He hugs pelo before he gives me a bro hug. Lorna and Neveah come down the stairs and Sizwe tenses next to me when he sees them.

"Guys come on this side dinners ready"
Liz says before she leads us to the dining area, with a fully fledged buffet set up.

We sit across the dinner table and we start indulging in our food over slight chatter here and there. Sizwe keeps stealing glances at Neveah and she's not paying attention to him she's just watching Mel who's sitting next to her, chatting away.

Dinner goes by smoothly and I'm left with the guys at the fire place when we done.

"So what times your airway ?"
Cole asks me while he takes a sip of his drink.

"At five in the evening then I need to head HQ so i can see Toni, and see how I can make all of this go away"

He nods before he also looks ahead.

"Dad called, just to see how you guys are doing, did you talk to him"

"Fuck no, did you know he was behind this whole thing ?"

He says as he takes a sip of his beer.

"I hate him"

I say, before sizwe brings his bottle near mine for a cheers, and i click mine against his in agreement.

"When do you plan on telling Lorna ?"

"I'm not telling her anything"

"To be honest with you, I want nothing to do with this drama between you and Neveah, it doesn't concern me and I don't want to be anywhere near it when all of this explodes, things are already shakey enough between me and pelo, and this whole thing..."

He says, almost like he's bored. It's a thing he does.

Cole Starts to laugh next to me.

"If I did what you did, Liz would kill me"

"Hell if I did what he did, I would die. Not from bieng murdered by my wife Cole. I mean Lorna is a phenomenal woman dude why would you go and jeopardize this whole thing with.... Neveah ?"

He keeps quiet and he just stares ahead.

Honestly my heart breaks on behalf of Lorna, but at the end of the day Sizwe is my brother I have an obligation to stand by him but this doesn't imply that i am for what he did. If pelo finds out... she would barbecue my head.

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