Chapter 43 | Gratitude

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"Mom, mom, mom, listen, I think scones with coconut are the best"

She says as she puts 500 grams of coconut flakes into our shopping basket.

"Melanie I dont think coconuts are nice, popular opinion "
I say as I nod at her and I take them again.

"Daddy likes coconuts"

"I think your dad doesn't likes coconuts mel"

"Daddy doesn't like a lot of things so we can't put our votes on him, he's out"

" You know Mel sometimes I wish you were still young, because then you couldn't reason and I liked it better that way"

I say and she starts to giggle and I laugh together with her.

"I think coconuts taste pretty good"
A familiar voice says closer to us.

"See mommy everyone likes coconut"
She says as she peaks at me.

"I still disagree mel"

"Yeah ,your mom is pretty big on disagreements"
He politely says to Mel and she just peaks at me again.

I've really got to stop visiting grocery stores.

"Mel we need baking powder and some yeast as well as some icing sugar, you think you could get that for us pumpkin?"
I say as I get to her level.

And she enthusiastically nods at me. Mel agrees to anything that has to do with her making her own decisions even when she's been assigned to doing a task alone, she's very big on independence these days.

She takes the grocery list an she hops further down the isle and stops where the baking goods are, just further away enough for me to keep an eye on her. The creepy body guard guy is just  right in between where Mel and I are.

"You look a lot better"
I say as I look straight into his eyes. He actually does look a lot better, he's definitely recovered pretty well.

"I do ,I feel a lot better"
He replies as he holds his wrist inside his hand infront of him.

"That's good. What do you want ?"

"I want you"

I start to laugh a little.
"Your full of shit you know that"

"Come on,  sweet cakes, don't be bitter"
He calmly says.

"Martin, after what you and your fiance have put me through I want nothing to do with you, so please just leave me alone."

"I heard you got married"
He says, totally disregarding what I've just said to him.

"He's a lucky guy, does he know who exactly he married ?"
He says as he squints his eyes at me.

"I'm the only men in this world that was made for you, you know that. The only men that can tolerate what you are. And the only man that knows you in and out and still loves you the way I do, I made you."

"Oh so now your here to cash in on your investment ?Martin you used me,  you prayed on my emotions. And yet you vilify me for defending myself against someone like you"

"Pelo, just come back to me and I will forget all of this ever happened, look I never meant to do the things I did. But you know that  I always came back to you, always"

"Your delusional you know that ? Your crazy."

"Ah sweet cakes and you wonder who's crazy between the both of us"
He calmly says.

"Sweet cakes I'm the only man that has ever loved you, as weak as you are. And I wasn't trying to mistreat you or anything, if anything I was helping you become a stronger person. Not this weak and frail character that you've become now, Sweet cheeks you needed someone like me"

"Martin that's not love..."

"Oh it is love, it's the kind of love that you deserve..."
He says as he emphasizes the "you"

He's doing it again. He's taking me back to the place that I so desperately faught to get away from. Making me feel like I'm not worthy of all things beautiful in this world.
He's praying on my reaction towards his words right now.

"The kind of love that you needed... and the only kind love that you'll ever need. Not the one that he's convinced you is the one you need. You don't deserve that"

"Martin, please just get away from me"
I say as my voice starts to lower. He's getting to me.

"Oh sweet cheeks, look at you

Don't do that you know that i don't like seeing you cry. But look, the truth hurts and you need someone like me to give it to you straight."
He says as he approaches me. His voice is smooth, gentle and manipulative.

"Mommy I only found baking powder not yeast and I also found icing sugar"

She approaches us and she stops right infront of me and she looks at Martin.

She throws the products into the basket and she holds my hand.

"Let's go pumpkin."
I say to her, still keeping my eyes on Martin.

She pulls me by my hand toward the tills I don't even bother checking what's in the basket. I pay for our stuff and the body guard  takes us back to the car and he drives us home.

Mel is talking non stop but I'm not paying attention to what she's saying to me. Martin has really taken me to a point of no return emotionally. Right now I just feel so vulnerable and I just want to curl into a ball in the dark, but I don't want Mel to see me like this. I hope Lunga isn't home so he won't ask me what's wrong.

And even if he isn't home I know when he gets back home  he's going to ask if I'm okay and I won't be able to keep this from him, because he knows how to ask the right questions to get the right answer out of me.

When we get home, just as expected he's home and the house smells homely, he cooked. He cheerfully greets Mel and he comes closer to me and he gives me a warm hug before he kisses my forehead.

"Luh I think I'm just going to lie down for a bit"

I tell him without looking him in the eye, I leave him in the kitchen and I walk to our bedroom.
I immediately strip and i take a shower.

Just as I come out Lungas is standing in the middle of the room holding a fresh pair of pajamas.

"I warmed them up for you"
He says as he starts to come closer to me.
He's staring straight into my eyes.

"Thank you"
I say lowly.

He gently dresses me, goes into bed with me and he cuddles me.

He keeps kissing my forehead and caressing my body while we lay in silence.

"When you ready to talk I'm here okay ?"
He soflty says.

He knows.

He continues to kiss my forehead and the bridge of my nose every now and then.
It's his new favorite spot to kiss these nowar days after my forehead.

"I love you so much luh"
I say

I'm random, I know but right now, I feel like should say this, just to show some gratitude that I'm thankful that after bieng in such a horrible relationship I was able to find a man that loves and respects me as much as he does.

"I love you pelo, so  so much"
He says after some time.

Before peaceful slumber finds me. I'll slay my dragons tomorrow.

P.S. we are only a few chapters away till S.O.S comes to an end.🥺

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