Chapter 14 | Crushes

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Rush hour, something that I've learned since getting married is that my problems are no longer of my own. Not only do i have myself to manage but two other people that I need to manage.

On Sunday Nights I need to make sure that Mel's uniforms is ironed out and also lungas scrubs are also Ironed out and formal wear for just incase if he only has consultations on Mondays or any other weekdays , wake up thirty minutes everyday before everyone else so that I can get their lunches ready, also wake everybody else up and push them to finish up in time.

And we also had to change a few things like the day and night nanny, we don't have people that do the laundry it's both me and lungas duty and house chores are split between the three of us,  Mel gets to do her own chores, for instance, making sure her room is tidied up and she also help gets to help whoever is doing the dishes with loading and offloading,  which she does willingly  because you can practically give her any chore and she would gladly accept it, children who are just about Mel's age are always very keen on helping out. So we make use of this advantage to get her used to cleaning up after herself and making sure the space she occupies is neat.

Lunga has been managing pretty well I must say. But some of the things before and after he moved here were done by the day and night nanny.

This is where I learned that he has limited domestic skills, but he argues that rounds are also domestic work. Sigh .But he does help out an awfull lot and I appreciate that about him.

Over  the past few weeks my life has changed drastically. The Wednesday after my magadi, we went to the magistrates office and we signed, sizwe and Lorna were our witness and we had lunch after ward's, I moved in with lunga and Mel. I also put my house up for lease, although it's still in process, I'm still getting used to everything, Im still getting used to bieng a mom and a wife, I've also decided to adopt Mel.

Mel has just gotten out of the shower, im still trying to finish dressing her up for school. Luckily her uniform for now is  just brown shorts a navy blue shirt and some takkies.
I tie her hair into two ponytails and when I'm done she runs off into her wardrobe and pulls out silver shiny air force ones. I've lost count how many of these she has.

"Mama I'm wearing these today"
She says as she sits down on her bean bag. Im too tired to even dispute this.

Lately I've been feeling an emmense amount of fatigue, also I crave avocado, which I've always hated, my sense of smell is also heightened Whenever I get the chance sleep just consumes me. I've scheduled an appointment with one of Luh's colleagues today to do a check up. Just to see if my vitals are still okay.

"Okay, go to your dad so he can give you breakfast"

And she runs of to the kitchen meanwhile I to back to our room and do my make up and some touch ups on my outfit.
When I'm done I make my way to the kitchen, I find them both eating breakfast and their chatting up a storm, lunga is dressed in a white slim fit shirt which accentuates his muscles and some black slim fit pants as well.

"Look at you, looking like somebodys husband"
I tease him.

He turns his head and he looks at me and he chuckles a bit

"Mama your making daddy blush"

"No , I was just completing your dad mel"

"No look his blushing" she says as she pokes lungas cheek, she's also giggling a lot while she does this. And we both start laughing at him.
Another thing that I love, seating together for every meal we have.
"This is a smirk, men don't blush"

"Said the blushing man"
I say as pour yogurt into my muesli and I take a seat next to him.
"I'm not entertaining you"

We finish up and we head out. Lungas is dropping us off, I usually do the dropping of but today brother man decided that he is dropping his family off, and it's honestly nice getting to ride together to work.
We stop at the drop of zone at Mel school and she grabs her bag and waves off. We watch her get into the school.

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