Chapter 2: Dinner With The Vandergardens

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A/N: LOOK AT THIS FAN ART! IT LOOKS AMAZING! THANK YOU 1Ayato5 FOR YOUR AMAZING DRAWING! Gosh, I'm still gushing about it hahah! Thank you all for your support on my old book! Thanks for reading!

My room was connected to a bathroom. I washed up after growing sweaty from dancing and collapsed on my bed, wearing my bathroom robe. I stared at the roof. I should take this opportunity to plan how I'll be tackling every event in the game. I yawned. But a short nap wouldn't hurt anyone? I looked out of the window and saw that the sun was still out. Yeah, I'll just set an alarm and sleep...

Before I knew it, I was out like a light. The stress and exhaustion earlier had gotten to me so I was asleep for a long time. I only woke up when I heard a knock on the door.

"Your highness?" I wasn't awake enough to respond, trying to rub the tiredness from my eyes.

"Your highness..." the voice sounded exasperated. I was about to tell the person to come in when I heard a loud crack. I saw the door to my room fall to the ground. Standing with her leg stretched out was a maid. The maid from earlier. And now that I got a closer look at her, she reminded me of someone. Nevertheless, she'd just effortlessly destroyed my door so I had a look of terror on my face.

"Your highness—no, Prince Rael, if you don't get dressed to prepare for dinner, I'll do it myself." Her tone had changed. She sounded... dangerous. I tried getting away from her but she was quick.

"No—!" Going to dinner meant meeting Rael's family. You know, the people who've neglected and abused him? I grabbed onto the bed pole as the maid grabbed my legs.

"You—are—going!" She was strong! I felt my grip slipping away and my face planted on the ground. I howled from the pain. My nose! It hurts so much!

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I froze. "I've got you now."


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It took a lot of struggling but she allowed me to dress in peace. She stood outside the door—uh, room and waited for me. I adjusted the pants and shirt while staring at the mirror. I looked like a prepubescent child alright. I fixed my bangs before walking out.

The maid, Peri, nodded. "You look presentable. Now hurry up, or we'll be late your highness." Peri walked behind me as I guessed my way to the dining hall. Peri was the only maid assigned to Rael. She cared for him as though she was his mother, being kind and considerate. If there was anyone that Rael could confide in, it was Peri.

And that same sweet, loving woman was restraining me with an arm hook. "Peri please!"

"Don't be difficult with me, Prince Rael. Don't you think I noticed that you're purposefully walking in the wrong direction?" But I'm not! I tried getting out of her hold but failed.

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