Chapter 7: His Wish

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A/N: Yay! Fan art time! Shoutout to 1Ayato5  for their amazing art again of Helm! He's just as handsome as I envisioned him to be! Oh and here's fan art of Al— NOT CANON, I will be changing his design a lot in the future heh.

A/N: Yay! Fan art time! Shoutout to 1Ayato5  for their amazing art again of Helm! He's just as handsome as I envisioned him to be! Oh and here's fan art of Al— NOT CANON, I will be changing his design a lot in the future heh

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Also, early chapter, yay! I might have time to write another chapter this weekend but only maybe...! We'll see. I will be super busy next week though so probably not... oh well, I hope you enjoy now!

Al grabbed my hand as I entered through the door. I restrained my face so as not to frown and gave him an awkward smile.

"Um, yes—?"

"Come with me!" Al dragged me inside the venue where the birthday party was hosted. The room was decorated grandly with all sorts of plants, many of which I recognized, and expensive decorations. The host must've gone all out.

Al walked up to a vacant table and forced me to sit down. I gave the boy a wary look as he fidgeted. His cheeks were flushed as he stared at the table. I was growing more uncomfortable by the second.

"I wanted to tell you something."

"Yes?" I asked.

"I think—I think that I—" He started stuttering and I nearly stood up from the table. This had better not be what I think this is. "I think I have a secret admirer!" I pause and blink. What? I gave him a blank look which made him frown.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!"

"After your tea party, I didn't think a single noble girl would even want to stay in the same room as you." I couldn't help but be honest. Al gaped at me.

"How rude! I'll have you know that girls flock around me constantly!" I snorted.

"Your little siblings don't count as girls." Al gritted his teeth as I chuckled. He had three younger half-sisters who adored their dim-witted brother. I'd met them by chance while invited to his many tea parties. Al slapped his hand on the table, causing a loud sound.

"But the thing is, this is a secret admirer. Perhaps one of the nobles was too shy to admit that they liked my advances?" I shook my head.

"You gave three girls allergic reactions with gifts, you tried impressing one with a backflip and nearly broke your back, and you traumatized another by having them sit on your stuffed Pegasus, whose head fell off." Al was quiet for a while.

"That's only five nobles." I sighed.

"Nevertheless, you still think some noble girl has the hots for you?" Al nodded, looking confident. I shrugged.

"Good luck then—"

"No, where are you going?" I felt Al grab my hand and I tried yanking it back.

"I'm going to enjoy this birthday party?"

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