Chapter 29: The Mystic Legacy Trial (END)

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A/N: This chapter is quite short as I need to speed up the pacing. No more 10k words chapter guys! Those killed me! This chapter might have so problems as I didn't have time to look through them, but its probably fine!

I couldn't finish the book in time so no wattys! But thats fine! The show must go on! Two chapters left until the book ends!




After being bombarded with questions—from concerned friends to upset ones—I took a step back.

"I... what just happened?"

I held my hand out, pushing Al away. He'd been trying to suffoca—hug me, and I wasn't having it. Not now. I could still vividly remember running into a room and—

The memory cuts off there. Someone had tampered with my memories. Again.

"You erased my memories?! Why?!" I shouted when Al explained everything that happened.

"Because you were screaming! You were in so much pain that you were bleeding and—!" Al cut off, his eyes teary. I let out a sigh and lowered my hand. He enveloped me in a hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay. I was worried that this was all my fault..."

No, it was my fault. But I didn't want to ruin the mood so I kept quiet. He let me go and I noticed Geo staring at me.

"Are you alright now?"

"Yeah." I hope so...

Nio, Caesar, and Ophelia let out sighs of relief. Q who'd been trying to hide behind the crowd of students, also relaxed. Oden reached out and hugged me.

"Thank gods you didn't die as well..." He seemed to be more emotional than usual. I hugged him back, a bit startled.

"What do you mean? Who died?"

Oden diverted his gaze. "It's... Weiss. He fell off a cliff because of me."

I blinked. And then I lightly slapped his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. He's fine. You're acting as though you killed him."

"But I—"

"Once we're out, just apologize or buy him something."

Oden bit his lip, unsure of what to say.

"Is he still alive?" He spoke after a few seconds.

I raised an eyebrow. "You think the Academy would force hundreds of students inside this trial if they didn't make it out alive?"

Oden closed his mouth. Claus stared at him, his face expressionless. I watched them for a few seconds before turning to Geo.

"Thank you."

"For what? I didn't do anything."

"Still... thank you." He looked away, slowly crossing his arms.

While smiling at the embarrassed Geo, I spotted Q who was peeking from behind Erica and a few of her friends, and he ducked when we made eye contact.

"Hey—" I tried to call out for him.

«The Floating Island of Desires has finished. Survivors are rewarded 50 points for the third trial.» I was cut off by the 'voice'. What can I even call it? Announcer? A system?

«The last trial will begin shortly. The time limit is 12 hours.» The voice finished.

I blinked. No further information? Why hadn't they said anything? I glance at my friends, seeing them equally as befuddled as me.

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