Chapter 8: Happiness

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A/N: Guys I'm super tired after editing this... I hope you like it! I had so much fun writing it (especially one part) so I hope you like it too.

I awoke with a gasp. I had goosebumps and my heart was beating quickly. I had a horrible nightmare. I remember high-pitched laughter, bright shining eyes, and the echo of a voice.


I sat up from my bed, gasping for air. The word filled me with pain, the pain I couldn't understand. I eventually calmed down, taking large gulps of air. Staring ahead, I looked at my room.

I'd been locking myself inside and staying here. Whether I was under my blankets, contemplating my grim future, or trying to write strategies on my desk, there was a looming sense of doom the longer I stayed.

My head throbbed. I vaguely remember Heath forcing me out of my room with a threat. But after that, it was blank. I frowned. My memory wasn't exceptional, but it wasn't bad enough to forget what happened as soon as I left my room. Even if I got drunk—god knows how I got my hands on alcohol— I would've forgotten the whole day or bits of it.

The way my memory cut off right as I stepped out of my room— was too convenient. My eyes narrowed. Something must've happened. But what...?

I sighed. I hoped it wasn't my fault, but knowing me? Very likely. Perhaps Heath snapped and used a spell to erase my memory?

I got up from bed, looking around my room. It was noon so I must've been asleep for a long time. I spotted a suspicious pile on my desk. Peri must've brought these in as I slept. I walk closer and recognize the pile as— letters. I grumble under my breath as I read the names of the sender.

"Clara, Vale, Henrietta, Roy, Buinter..." I furrowed my eyebrows. Who are these people? They had to be nobles that I spoke one or two words with. Why would they suddenly send letters? I opened up the letter sent by Henrietta and skimmed through it.

'Hello, Prince Rael,

I've heard of the unfortunate news that befell the nation of Tenn and can't help but tear up as I write this. I wanted to know how you felt? There are rumors of how close you and Ru were, especially since you decided to dance with him. I hope that you recover well.

Sending wishes and good fortune, Henrietta Vanelle.'

My mouth twitched. What. What is this? First Heath thinks I'm in love with Ru and now this?

'Dear Prince Rael,

Ru Hasselt must be devastated, and in turn, so are you. I hope—'


'Good morning, Sixth Prince Rael,

Are you well—?'

Nearly all letters asked if I was okay after what happened to Tenn. I wasn't, but now I was growing mad. Because they thought that I was in love with Ru and would naturally become saddened by this. They had one part right and it sure as hell wasn't the being-in-love part!

I gritted my teeth. How did this rumor even get so big? I spot a letter at the bottom of the pile and pull it out. I squint my eyes. 'Al Tyre'.

Oh no.

I nervously open the letter, dreading what I might read.

'Hello, Prince Rael,

I had planned on going to my summer resort that lay at the edge of Yrd and Urel and wanted to invite you. Only my closest friends will be there so it won't be too crowded. The trip lasts for a week so be prepared.

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