Chapter 11: Together

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A/N: YAY! I'm DONE WITH FOUR CHAPTERS A WEEK! And I don't think I'll do it again, anytime soon... haha... anyways!

I need a nice cup of tea after this...


Peri headed out of Rael's room. She closed the door gently, so as not to disturb anyone. She began walking to her next destination. Her thoughts were occupied by the scene she had just seen.

Rael had finally made friends and family who cared for him. She could still remember consoling a crying Rael who was too young to understand why everyone kept pushing him away. He cried in her embrace about how lonely he felt. Her heart ached at those memories. But seeing him grow up and gain friends made those memories bitter-sweet.

That's why she wanted to have more memories of Rael. She hadn't been with him long enough, she wanted to see him become an adult, get married, and have kids. But that wish would soon be crushed by reality.

Peri stopped by a guarded door. The knight looked at her.

"No entry allowed unless given—" Peri showed him a seal. The knight's face nearly drained with color. He bowed, before knocking on the door.

"Your majesty, you have a visitor."

"Let them in." The knight opened the door for Peri. She entered the room and stared at the King. Pierre, who was busily writing something down, looked up. His face stiffened.

Peri smiled.

"It seems that you know why I'm here." The King placed his pen down.

"I should've expected it."

"You say that, but it looks like I caught you off guard." The King averted his gaze.

"What is it you want?" Peri's face was cold.

"I think you know." The King gritted his teeth.

"I can't do it. The sacrifice is too large. It's better to just let him die—" Peri put her hand in her pockets. The King stopped abruptly, his face paling.

"What are you doing?"

"Pierre, I don't think I need to remind you of this, do I?" She took out a necklace that contained a picture of a woman. Her hair glowed in the sun as her golden-brown eyes curved with happiness. The King stood up from his seat.

"I didn't think...!" He tried grabbing the necklace but Peri lifted her arm. They stared at each other.

"Why are you so flustered, your majesty?"

"Don't be polite when you don't mean it. Give that to me."

"I thought you didn't care about her?"

"What I feel is my business. Now hand it." He glared at her. The King was shorter than Peri, so he struggled to take the necklace from her. Peri smiled mockingly.

"I can't do that. It's my last memory of her. I won't let you take her away from me." The King clenched his fist.

"If I'd known that she wouldn't have made it, I would've never—"

"It's too late for regret. Don't give me that pitiful look. Even though she's long gone, she left behind a piece of her." His eyes widened.

"No, I won't—" Peri cut him off.

"Rael is the last trace of her. If he dies..." The hand that held the necklace tightened. "The necklace disappears too." The King seemed surprised. He looked at her and he took a step back.

"Why are you tormenting me like this?"

"Because it's my fault that you two ever met." They stared at each other again. The King went back to his seat, staring at Peri for a while.

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