Chapter 30: The Aftermath

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A/N: Chapter is average length—which means the last chapter will be... quite long! But bear with me! After the last chapter, I'll be uploading either one or two more chapters that have nothing to do with the story, just announcements!

Last chapter will be out by the end of this week! Stay tuned!


When you die in the Mystic Legacy Trial, you're teleported back to the white space. But instead of a voice signaling your victory, you're given two options. If you have enough points, you may exchange them with any of the artifacts you acquired. Only then can you bring them with you to the outside world.

But if you don't have enough points, you can choose to 'Leave Trial?'. But be aware that you won't be able to return.

Choose your options carefully.


I gazed ahead of me. And I looked at my points.

«510 points»

It seemed I didn't get any points for the 3rd trial. Was it due to me entering that strange place? I shook my head. It didn't matter. What matters is—

1st place: Al Tyre.

2nd place: Rael Vandergarden

3rd place: ...


I looked at the list and grinned. Al had won. He'd come first. There were a lot of struggles—but he made it in the end. I had a huge smile on as I walked past the list. Now, the only thing left is to receive my reward and—

I stopped walking. Someone was standing in front of me. I blinked and saw—


A man.

Hunched back, shaking hands, and teary-eyed, he looked pitiful. But his eyes were—shiny, starry like the vast universe.

Ophelia snapped out of her daze and reached her hand out. "Um, excuse me—"

He jumped back, his eyes flaring open. "D-don't touch me—!" Ophelia jumped back, startled.

"I'm s-sorry!"

"No, I'm sorry for screaming!"

"No no, I'm really sorry for nearly touching you—!"

After apologizing back and forth, they stopped and stared at each other. Ophelia couldn't help but crack a smile, and he did the same. Finally, after a few seconds of staring, she asked;

"Who are you?"


"Me? I'm... nobody special." The woman replied as she ran a hand through her hair. Oden narrowed his eyes at her.

"Nobody special? Then why are you here?"

The woman looked at him and smiled. "I want to make you an offer."

Oden took a step back. Why did this feel like a trap?

"What is your offer? I'm willing to hear you out." He harrumphed. The woman let out a laugh, short but clear. Her azure eyes twinkled as she turned to him.

"I don't regret picking you over the rest... I want to offer you unlimited power."

He snorted. "Unlimited power? What are you, a God?"

Her smile widened. "I'm the closest thing to a God your mortal eyes will ever be able to see. I'm able to grant your wishes and so much more, as long as you promise me one thing."

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