Chapter 10: The Clock is Ticking

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A/N: AGH, my stomach hurts. I can't fall asleep so you guys get another chapter. This one is short so the next one will probably be long. So stay tuned! I might not finish it in time though hehe...

I hope you guys like this chapter though, I quite liked writing the POV of the king, and ESPECIALLY Heath's! Idk writing about history was so much fun. Alright I'm going to drink some tea to calm my upset stomach. Enjoy!


The King rubbed at his temples. He was in a terrible mood. Even when trying to focus on his work, he had someone breathing down his neck every few minutes. The guests who'd witnessed the earlier catastrophe were not pleased. He had a headache trying to think of a way to appease them.

He heard a knock on the door. He wanted to tell the visitor to go away, but that wouldn't be appropriate. Instead, he ignored the knocking, hoping that the useless guards he had outside the doors would lead the visitor away.

But he could still hear the unceasing knocking. He had enough and permitted entry.

"Come in." When the person entered his room, he knew why the guards didn't push him away. Wei stood at the door with teary eyes, his eyes fluttering open. The King, knowing that it was all an act, sighed.

"What is it Wei?" Wei carefully closed the door, giving the guards a shy smile. As soon as the door was closed, he looked at the King coldly, wiping away the tears.

"I should've known there was something off with Rael that day. Did you honestly deny him the right to the cure weeks before his awakening? Did he spend all this time dreading death? I know you don't care much for Rael but this is too much." Wei clenched his fists, glaring fiercely at his father.

The King tapped on his desk, staring at his paper. Wei acted like the sweetest prince when he was the fiercest one of them all. Not even Heath dared to talk to him like this. But that only brought a smile to his face.

"Wei, I gave him mercy by even allowing him to be born. As the law states, illegitimate children are to be terminated as they'll die sooner or later. Rael was born and he lived peacefully with his mother. Had it not been for Clara, he would've died today without ever knowing the reason why."

"But he didn't."

"That doesn't change the outcome. I've been more than kind. I allowed him the title of a prince, food and clothes far superior to aristocrats, and resources from all across Urel if he so wishes for it. I've gone far beyond what's expected of me, so why should I save his life when he's already in debt to me?" The look of disgust on Wei's face was evident. It only made the King's smile widen.

"So tell me, why would I save Rael—?"

"Because that's the responsibility of a father." The smile on the King's face faltered. He looked at his son. And he frowned.

"I did not choose to be a father to him."

"Neither did Rael choose to have you as his father. But I guess that thought didn't cross your mind when you were fucking a commoner—"

"Wei." The King, Pierre, warned. Wei let out a mocking laugh.

"It's funny. You blame taking in Rael on Clara. Sure, she went too far by indirectly killing Rael's mother, but so what? Cheating on your pregnant wife, you had to reap what you sow at one point, right?" Pierre blinked.

"As a man, sometimes you have to satisfy your urges even if your wife is pregnant—" Wei cut him off, snarling.

"Don't excuse your actions by being sexist! I'm asking you why you impregnated a commoner, forced her to have a child, watched as she was murdered, and then indirectly caused the death of her child! You call this being considerate? You're only stroking that ego of yours by pretending this isn't your fault!"

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