Chapter 18: Unwritten Fate

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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be short but I accidentally made it long. I need to go prepare for another (horrible) day at work so no more chapters until next week!

Now time for fan art! The lovely 1Ayato5 made a beautiful art piece of Al Tyre! Doesn't he look handsome? He can rival all of the love interests with that handsome smile!

Now time for fan art! The lovely 1Ayato5  made a beautiful art piece of Al Tyre! Doesn't he look handsome? He can rival all of the love interests with that handsome smile!

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Well that's it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.


I piled my plate with pancakes and sliced fruits and grabbed a bowl of cereal. I drenched the pancakes in butter and jam, with a dash of sugar. For the cereal, I added ten different variations, and of course, poured the milk first. Oden looked at my meal in disgust.

"What is that...?"

"My breakfast," I replied, taking a bite of the pancakes. Feeling them melt in my mouth, I sighed in delight and scooped up a bit of the cereal, thoroughly enjoying it. Oden kept watching with his nose scrunched up.

"Let's never eat here again."

Usually, we had breakfast in the apartment as it was easier. But somebody forgot to buy food so there was nothing to eat. Kieran blamed Hina and Hina blamed Jake. Jake blamed himself.

That's why Oden and I went to the school cafeteria. The breakfast was surprisingly delicious. Maybe I should go here more often?

"Don't even think about going here again." Oden threatened and I smiled sheepishly.

"But it's good!"

"You eat like a starving cat. I've never seen someone shove three pancakes in their mouth at once." He shuddered.

I ignored his comments and began to eat my apple slices. Oden grumbled as he munched on his breakfast.

The conversation died down. The cafeteria was large, enough to fit half of the school (though not everyone at ate the same time), and there were a lot of students enjoying their breakfast.

Finishing my apples, I turned to the window. I'd picked a window seat because I could see the Fountain of Fortune from there. Staring at the fountain from afar, I saw something blur past me from the corner of my eyes.

The calm cafeteria grew rowdy when students began pointing and yelling about the commotion that just occurred.

A girl was floating on the ground—no, she was riding one of the water skateboards that could be seen all across Lore. She speedily passed a few students that were heading inside. It would've been a normal sight.

Had it not been for three professors chasing after her. Their shoutings were inaudible, but the rage on their faces was visible. All three of them used different spells to catch up. The one on the left looked to be using a wind spell, seeing how her hair blew wildly behind her. The one on the right was riding on a large wolf, the size of a car. The wolf was baring its teeth as it slowly caught up. The one in the middle used a familiar spell, [Flash Steps] if I recall correctly. It was a short teleportation spell that allowed the user to increase their speed as they stepped, and it appeared as though they were flashing in and out of existence.

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