Chapter 17: Matchmaking for World Peace!

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A/N: I have officially drafted the old story! Sorry if the story disappeared for you guys but it'll be back! I just want readers to read this story, rather than the other one!

Short chapter guys!

Fan art by me! Ru Hasselt because I like his face, okay?! (Ignore the bad shading okay?)

Fan art by me! Ru Hasselt because I like his face, okay?! (Ignore the bad shading okay?)

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Hope you enjoy!


I woke up, feeling my sense of gravity shift. I fell off the bed with a scream. I stood up, glaring at the culprit. Oden was sleeping soundly, having ruined the pillow barricade with his horrible sleeping posture.

I reached out and grabbed his cheeks, pulling at them as hard as I could. The half-asleep Oden protested in pain and I let go. Giving him a spiteful glance, I began to dress up for school. That brat had woken me up earlier than usual!

Staring at the clock, I had a brilliant idea. I should go to the fountain before anyone else gets there!

I put on my school uniform and held my jacket around my arm as I left the room. No one was in the kitchen, and I hurriedly made a bowl of cereal, finished it at record speed, and ran out of the apartment with a stomach ache.

While running, I regretted my hasty decisions.

Hopefully, no one would be at the fountain by 6 am. I took a shortcut, walking quickly. The fountain was at the very center of the city, right in front of the Academy, so it was a popular location for students to sit by. So I had to be quick.

With light steps, the trees were clearing out and I saw the fountain. It was white and stood out from afar. I stepped out, ready to approach it when I saw the fountain move.

No, that wasn't the fountain, it was a person. I had to squint my eyes to see better.

Wearing white clothes that covered nearly every inch of their body, they sat patiently by the fountain, staring out into space. Their delicate face was in a daze. I took a few steps back, hiding behind the trees.

Why was the Saint of Valhein here? At this hour?

Panicking inwardly, I nearly missed the person who approached her. The saint raised her head, her face lighting up with happiness.

"Prince Ru!" She said sweetly, standing up to greet him. Ru had a cool expression as he greeted the Saint.

I watched the two in surprise. They'd already met?

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" He asked. The Saint looked flustered.

"I wanted to know if you were going to privately tutor more students? If so, may I join?"

Ru shook his head. "I'm sorry but there are already too many." The Saint's face fell but she quickly wore another smile.

"That's alright. But if I struggle with a spell, may I ask you for help?" Ru paused before answering.

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