Chapter 12: Family Conflict

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the late update guys... I think writing four chapters a week actually caused me to get writers block haha... but here's the chapter! AND NOW WE HAVE LOTS OF ART!

Two gorgeous art pieces of Rael made by 1Ayato5 . I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at them! Rael looks so handsome there!

 I don't think I'll ever get tired of looking at them! Rael looks so handsome there!

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And now art that I, the author, have made of Al Tyre! I think this is a better depiction of what he looks like? Still not canon though because I'm indecisive

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And now art that I, the author, have made of Al Tyre! I think this is a better depiction of what he looks like? Still not canon though because I'm indecisive. Oh and you'll be getting more art from me because I just got a new ipad to draw on!

 Oh and you'll be getting more art from me because I just got a new ipad to draw on!

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I won't bother you anymore, enjoy the chapter now!

I was in and out of sleep for the next few days. I'd wake up for short periods before dozing off.

Perhaps this was a side effect?

I had a hard time falling asleep though as my dreams kept waking me up. I couldn't stay awake for too long though and eventually fell asleep once more. I was too tired to think anything through.

I tried falling asleep once more but I felt the hairs on my body stand up. I grew uncomfortable for some strange reason. I felt that my hand was being pulled away, and then something wet hitting the back of it.

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