Author Announcement

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I've been debating writing this for a long time. Maybe I should've done this sooner actually. Um, some of the old readers might not be too surprised since this has happened like what, five times before? Haha...

The spark that I used to have the first 32 chapters of TCP is gone. When I write, I feel it. Time doesn't disappear but looms over me, and I constantly check the word count. I can't even re-read any of the chapters past 32 without grimacing. They're terrible. They're awful. I can't understand how any of you guys read through them and liked them.

I wish I wasn't such a perfectionist. But after realizing that I can't reread any of the recent chapters, and my writing has actually gotten worse, I cannot continue. My writing went from easy to read, to more complicated and very... messy. I don't like it all. I need to go back to the basics and rework the bad habits I've suddenly developed. Otherwise, I don't see much of a future for TCP.

I will not be dropping TCP. I did think of doing it countless times. During the Salamander arc, the Peri arc, and at least five times during the Finals arc (that's still incomplete). But I know myself. If I were to drop this, I'd feel so dissatisfied and eventually return a year or two later with fifty chapters complete and end the series or something. I don't start and leave things unfinished. That's not my style. I'll finish this damn book even if it takes me years!

But I want the chapters of these books to be good. Not amazing or perfect, but good. I want you to read a sentence and laugh, before growing teary during serious moments. I want you to giggle and smile during the cheesy and romantic moments that will be appearing more in the story. I want all of the plot twists I've been building up to shock you. And uh, well hopefully not drop the book as things begin to escalate. And I want you all to witness the silly Rael Vandergarden fall in love and become an official idiot. The road isn't that long, I just don't have the steps to make it as of yet.

That's why I'm thinking of rebuilding the road again. From chapter 33 to 44? Wherever the recent chapter ended at. I know, once the spark is back, I'll be writing like my hands are on fire. I'll be up at night, typing away. I used to spend my school breaks writing certain chapters—that's how fun it was. I want that back. And I know just how to achieve it.

I'm not sure how long this will take. Honestly, don't expect a deadline or anything. But if I want this story ending anytime soon, or at least this volume, then I need to go on a journey to self discover myself or whatever. I don't like making false promises, but the story will be back again someday. Hopefully not a year from now like last time, but at some point.

If you cannot wait or have grown tired, that's okay. I mean, I'll be a bit disappointed, but even when this story had like 5 views, I was my own reader. And I thought my story was decent enough to post. And for it to remain decent, I need to re-write before I can finally get past this hurdle.

There's so much of the story left. I can't leave you all hanging!

I will be unpublishing all of the chapters after 32. Until they're decent enough to stand on their own, I will keep them unpublished. I will not be deleting them but re-writing them, so any comments from before will remain. If that's fine with all of you, otherwise, I can make it as a new chapter.

I hope this wasn't too long or unreadable. And I hope even if you're upset or frustrated, that you understand a little. And if you don't, that's fine. I'll just have to prove myself then.

Until then, I'm signing out!

Goodbye, for now.

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