Chapter 21: Falling In Love With An Idiot

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A/N: Those who love drama, rise up! For this chapter has drama, drama, drama! Oh and it's all written in third perspective for... reasons.

FAN ART BY ME! AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER BECAUSE I DON'T WANNA SPOIL ANYTHING! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. Especially... the latter half, hehe. Alright enjoy and look at the fan art at the end!


Weiss blinked a few times. And then he grew flustered.

"What, n-no—"

"It's as clear as day."

Weiss hid his face with his hands. He peeked out.

"Is it that obvious?"

Oden nodded with a serious expression.

"Rael must be a dense fool to not notice it."

Weiss groaned. He lowered his hands, staring at the table. He glanced at Oden, still shy.

"Well, does it matter if I like him?" Oden, who was sipping his milk, stopped.


"Confess?!" Weiss looked horrified. Had that thought never crossed his mind? Oden had to bite to suppress a laugh. He stared at Weiss who for once wasn't saying rude remarks.

"Yes. Confess. Then, depending on the answer, you date, hold hands, and have babies?"

"Can we even have babies?"

The two blankly stared at each other. And in unison, shrugged.

"Wait, aren't we getting too far ahead? W-who even said he'd accept! And why are you helping me?!" Weiss returned to his flustered state, pointing a finger at Oden. Oden slapped his accusing finger away, scowling.

"Because I'm tired of watching your horrible attempts at flirting and him missing all of the signs."

"S-still. It's too sudden. Especially since we don't like each other."

Silence descended. Oden cleared his throat, not meeting Weiss' gaze.

"I'm willing to be on... pleasant terms with you."

Weiss' expression turned into that of horror.

"Temporarily," Oden stressed, growing annoyed at his reaction. Weiss sighed in relief, causing Oden to glare at him.

All of a sudden, he frowned. "Wait... aren't we love rivals?" Oden gave him a blank expression.

"Love rivals? For who?"

"Rael of course!"

Oden burst into laughter. When his laughter calmed down, he glanced at Weiss' serious expression and began laughing again. It took him a few minutes to calm down. Taking deep breaths, he wiped a tear from his eyes. He wore a huge smile.

"That was a good joke." Weiss didn't blink as he glowered at Oden. Oden tilted his head.

"You were joking... right?" He shook his head. The smile on Oden's face dropped.

"You thought... all this time... I liked Rael?" Weiss watched Oden's expression turn from joy to disgust. Oden shivered.

"Why would you even assume that? He's a good friend, yes but..." He paused. "I like girls."

Weiss blinked. "So you never liked him?"


He blinked a few times, in disbelief.

"Now going back to the topic of confessing..." Oden began, wanting a reaction from Weiss. He saw Weiss' grin falter and felt joy.

"I don't want to."

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