Chapter 25: The Mystic Legacy Trial (Pt. 2)

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A/N: This was one of the hardest chapters to write. I really hope you guys don't hate the conclusion of this at least. It took me so many re-writes to be somewhat satisfied with the end result. I would've finished this earlier but... I was busy with work...

FAN ART TIME! This time, we have a new artist! They even made a fan art book for The Clueless Prince! Please check it out on denice0309 profile! There's two posts and they're both amazing! I'll be showcasing them now!

FAN ART TIME! This time, we have a new artist! They even made a fan art book for The Clueless Prince! Please check it out on denice0309  profile! There's two posts and they're both amazing! I'll be showcasing them now!

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Omg I loooooove this one with Lilith

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Omg I loooooove this one with Lilith. Do you guys remember her? No? Okay... T-T

Thank you so much for the fan art again! Now onto the chapter! It's super long again, whoops.



As soon as the sun disappeared, the dark sky turned to a murky red, as a blood red moon appeared.

The Weeping Angels were awake. And they were hungry for death.

The moment the seals on the door weakened, they broke through, sensing life from above them. They wasted no time in attacking them, growing excited as they watched the floors color red with blood.

The wailing of their victims, the sweet snap as they broke bones, and most of all...

Tears that fell down their face as they murdered mortals which they'd swore to protect.

And so the Angels, weeping, began to hunt for more prey.

After all, the night was still young.


Oden's lungs hurt from running so much. But they couldn't stop—there was no certainty they'd outrun whatever was chasing them.

But after another minute of running, his exhaustion caused him to slip up and trip. He face-planted to the ground, groaning with pain before picking himself up. Al paused, grabbed his hand, and began to run faster.

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